love me like you do

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"You're so good for me, princess. Fuck, you take me so well. Your mouth is always so obscene— Jesus Christ."

Louis fucked harder into Harry's mouth, careful not to choke him under his current restraints. He tangled his fingers in Harry's hair and played with his loose curls lightly. The rough gagging that escaped from Harry's lips was harsh but so damn beautiful.

"Shhh, that's it—" Louis encouraged, thrusting back in and out of Harry's open, eager mouth. Harry let out a whine around his cock, looking so pleased each time his mouth was stuffed full with cock and looking incredibly disappointed when Louis would pull out only to thrust again.
Louis glanced up at Harry's restrained hands on top of the headboard. The light blue rope was secure around both Harry's wrists, keeping him in place. He knew Harry would have partial rope burn after this, and even though Harry always loved it, Louis certainly didn't want to hurt him.

"I'm close," Louis told him right as his thrusts became quicker and quicker down Harry's throat. His boy looked up at him with wide, glassy green eyes. His swollen lips were wrapped around Louis' cock, eagerly waiting for Louis' come to slip down his throat.

"Fuck," Louis pulled Harry's hair hard as he came, staring at Harry's fucked out gaze as he came down Harry's throat with a cry. Harry moaned and eagerly accepted Louis' come, swallowing it down happily.

Louis immediately pulled back and hopped off from where he was straddling Harry to fuck his throat. He sat up on his knees and quickly began to untie the rope around Harry's wrists. The moment he pulled the rope away, Harry's arms fell back to his side with a little grunt.

Louis shifted down and began repeating the process to untie the rope that restrained Harry's ankles. Once he was done, he threw the rope to the floor and crawled back up to Harry's side to remove the nipple clamps.

He gritted his teeth as he removed the one on his left nipple, seeing Harry twitch underneath him. He removed the second and Harry let out a small whimper. Louis immediately threw the clamps to the floor and went back to Harry's side.

Harry was flushed and panting as if he had just been running for miles and miles. Louis stayed beside Harry but leaned over him, following up on the routine that they had been doing for months now.

"You're so good for me," Louis told him, trying to get Harry down from his high. Looking down at him, Louis get see just how fucked out Harry really was. He sighed and moved to kiss his neck.

"You're so good baby, so good," Louis continued to praise him, licking and sucking at his neck. He used one arm to throw across Harry's stomach, resting it on the curve of his hips. He continued kissing Harry's neck.

"My beautiful baby," Louis whispered in Harry's ear. "You did so well for me, didn't you, doll?" Louis leaned up and smiled down at Harry.

"Come back to me, lovely," Louis chided. "I'm here, you're safe. I promise that you're okay."

Harry let out a whimper and turned his head slightly to face Louis. He stared up at Louis with his blown-up eyes, seemingly drinking in every word that escaped Louis' lips.

"Baby?" Louis leaned down to kiss his cheek. "Come back to me, my lovely."

"Lou?" Louis had just leaned down to kiss Harry's cheek again when Harry's rough, scratchy voice came out. He leaned up to stare at Harry.

"Would you like some water?" Louis asked him, rubbing the soft skin of his hip. Harry nodded weakly and Louis reached over to the nightstand to hand him a glass of water.

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