no we're not friends, nor have we ever been - 1/4

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this is part one to the "come on, bring everything"  series so enjoy!


XFactor // 2010 // frottage

They've been at the XFactor house for almost two weeks now. They're still settling in, getting used to each other's quirks and habits. Louis has already noticed that Liam does this annoying sort of whistle-snore when he sleeps. Zayn always has to roll around about a dozen times before he can get comfortable enough to fall asleep. Niall likes to curl up in bed with his phone until god-knows-when in the morning, laughing at god-knows-what on the internet. Harry, well. Harry's the exception (of course he is) when he sniffles and whimpers in his sleep. He's like a small kitten, especially when he curls up into a tiny ball in his small bunk bed, knees pressed up tight against his chest. Sometimes he even slips his pink painted thumb into his mouth when he's especially deep in sleep, but Louis decides to keep that a secret kept between him and the nighttime.

In the daytime, they're either shuttled off to the studios to rehearse or shoot a promo. Other times they'll go into town to shop and grab lunch. It's rare that they ever stay at the house the entire day, but it just so happens that today the studio is booked for Belle Amie. They figure they need the extra practice since not only are they trying to learn their song of the week, they're also learning choreographed dance moves. Louis' tried rousing the other boys to go to the shops, figured that at least Harry wouldn't deny him his lovely company, but they're all asleep in various places around the house.

Naturally, Louis chooses to wander to where Harry is sleeping after drawing a dozen cocks on Liam's face with Sharpie has gotten old. He finds him tucked up on the couch, little fuzzy sockies on his feet that are falling off as he thrashes about. His thumb is inching dangerously close to his mouth and Louis pulls it down and away just in case another member of the house walks by.

Quietly, Louis lays himself down next to Harry and nuzzles his face into the warmest part of Harry's neck where the scent of vanilla lotion meets green apple shampoo. He nibbles on the skin there for a moment before pulling back and placing a small kiss on the tip of Harry's nose.

"What are you doing," Harry whisper-mumbles. His eyelids flutter but they don't open, not quite yet. Harry's the cutest when he's sleepy.

"Hi baby." And, okay. They're not a thing (not yet). They haven't really kissed (except maybe that one drunken time at Harry's step-dad's bungalow, but they were interrupted by that damn cow and they didn't talk about it the next morning) and they're excellent at skirting around their feelings. Louis pretends not to notice the blush that paints Harry's cheeks when he picks Harry to be his fifa partner or cuddles him for too long and Harry says nothing when he catches Louis staring at his obscene mouth when he eats bananas or drinks bottled water. But they're obviously closer than just best friends by now and Louis knows it's okay to call him a pet name if he feels especially affectionate.

There's also the small fact that, well. Louis is maybe a little bit aware that Harry happens to really like being called 'baby.' He wasn't intentionally trying to snoop, really, but as he was searching for a clean shirt under his bed one day he found a small, bound, leather journal just lying there. He picked it up, thinking maybe it was Liam's and filled with stupid grocery lists or something. Naturally, he had to open it so he could take the piss out of his friend later.

However, what he actually found was much more blush-inducing. Among sparse entries of song lyrics and sketches of nautical imagery and cursive poems was a detailed description of what Louis imagines is what Harry thinks about when he gets off. And Louis tried to close the journal right then and there, but curiosity got the best of him and he skimmed over the graphic sentences.

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