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here's some top harry for those who prefer that, let me know if top harry is something y'all would want more of, anyways, enjoy :)


"You like that?" The caveman-like beast behind him growls loudly for the cameras.

No, your hands are greasy and you smell like potatoe crisps.

"Yes, Sir." Louis whimpers theatrically as a hand comes down over his bum sharply. He whines high in his throat at that, shoving back against the hand as Beast-Man fucks into him roughly.

"God look at you, this ass is the best there is." Beast-Man moans, his greasy, calloused hands come up behind Louis and squeeze at tan cheeks as his hips stutter between them.

"Mmm." Louis moans lowly, rolling his eyes into the pillow because, really? Really, casting directors? This is the best you could do? He's PornHub's #1 Gay pornstar and this is the best top you could get for him? He was the first male Playboy Bunny to make the cover six issues in a row for christ sakes. He was the first bottom to take the entire home page of Pornhub Gay by storm. He is 12% of Pornhub Gay's income and this is the thanks he gets for all his hard work? A sloppy top that keeps slipping out of him? He scoffs mentally as Beast-Man cums and pulls out.

"And.... cut! That's a wrap! Thanks guys! Louis! Can I see you in your quarters, please?" Liam Payne calls. Louis sighs knowing what's coming. (No pun intended) he'll have to look over lists of tops and bottoms and pick which ones he believes would appeal most to the gay society on PornHub. Literally, it's part of his contract.


Louis' second -and last- shoot of the day is even worse than the previous video with Beast-Man.

This top is neither particularly ugly, nor greasy, smelly, or small in the crotch, but he is an asshole. An inconsiderate asshole that needs to read his damn scene guidelines before he opens his stupid mouth. He's seven minutes into burrying himself between the pillowy cushions that are Louis' ass cheeks when he really starts to ruin the shoot.

"Yeah, fucking take it, look at you. Look at this fucking ass. Taking it like a fucking pillow princess." Inconsiderate-Asshole muses. Louis audibly scoffs and goes to bite out a witty statement that would have Asshole teary eyed and shocked. He thinks better of it just in the blink of time, keeping his pretty pink lips tightly pressed together and does just that, takes it. Because he knows for a fact that Asshole- whose actual name is Jake- cums very quickly on a regular basis and this should be over soon.

He waits, and waits and waits, cock flagging to a semi as Jake thrusts sloppily and distastefully. He sighs loudly when Jake starts speaking again," Look at you, little boy. Taking my big cock so well. Ooooh yeah, clench tight for me, just like that. Yeah baby. Be good for me." Jake moans. Louis is 100% confident in saying that he did not clench nor tighten around him. He rolls his eyes and prays the camera didn't pick up on it. It did. But Liam understands Louis' frustration so he just writes a note to remove that two seconds from the video later.

It's fine, Louis assures himself, working on deep breathing as to not get too aggravated with the moron inside of him. It works too, for approximately another three minutes.

"Oh fuck, just like that, take it, take my fucking cock , you little slut." Asshole scoffs. And Louis' done. Louis instantly shoves the asshole away and scoffs back at him. Doesn't he fucking read the limits in his scene outline? It clearly says that derogatory names are a red for Louis. They make him feel worthless and he's worked hard on his self esteem. Before Louis can even say anything Liam is flying through in a flury of anger.

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