heavy hitter

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"Would you like to have your beer now?"

"Sure, darling," Louis smiled from where he was laid out in the sun, dark sunglasses covering his eyes, "appreciate it."

The girl smiled coyly at him and left the pool area to fetch him a cold one.

Louis wasn't really sure whether that was Dana or Caroline, but she wouldn't mind in case he messed up her name. Having the privilege of being around him and, better yet, working for him, was enough.

Louis slid his sunglasses to the bridge of his nose to watch the stiff sway of her hips, unaffected. He scoffed in disapproval.

Being a drug dealer was never in his plans. He once even dreamed of going to college, getting his bachelor's degree and starting an honest business. Everything changed when one of his friends introduced him to blow, all those years ago. He didn't even enjoy riding the high per se, but he did relish in the regalies that soon came with the lifestyle. It was risky and it often got dirty, but it paid off.

In a matter of months, Louis "Sledgehammer" Tomlinson was commanding the entire area of Californian cartels. He had the looks, the connections and, of course, the brains it took to run it smoothly. Everyone responded to him – most, out of respect, even though there were those who only did so out of fear.

Coming from a humble background in the suburbs, lounging at the Château Marmont wasn't what he had envisioned for a summer getaway, but he couldn't complain. His one bedroom penthouse with silk sheets and a golden grand piano spoke for itself. Tucked away in his room, his boy awaited. He had decided to sleep in, still tired from all the sunbathing him and Louis had done the previous day.

The girl came back with a stone cold Stella and a brand new pack of Parliament in hands, snapping Louis out of his reveries.

"Here you go," she smiled.

Louis thought she was Dana, after all.

"Thank you. Did Manta call about the shipment?"

"Not yet, no."

"Will you be a doll and ring him around five?"

"Of course, Mister Tomlinson. Is that all?"

From the yearning look in her eyes, it looked like she wanted something more. Like a chance to spend the night with him, in his penthouse, appropriating his status and the hickies she so often saw on his boyfriend's skin.

"That's all, yes." Louis resumed his sunbathing, ignoring her presence.

She left with a strained grin.

Tired of hanging around the pool all morning, Louis decided to go back to his room. It was near lunchtime and he wanted to eat with his boy, even if that meant he had to indulge his weird picks, like that one time he ordered poached pears for breakfast.

He unlocked the door, finding him already awake, sitting on the bed and nibbling on a bowl of fresh cherries and some iced tea.

"Harry, baby. You're up."

He looked up from his new iPhone, dimpling. "Hi!"

Louis closed the door behind him, tossing his wet towel in the laundry basket and the pack of cigarettes on the nightstand. "Have you ordered room service yet?"

"I did," he stood up, his body covered only by tiny cotton underpants and one of Louis' old Versace button-downs, "it should be here anytime."

Louis hummed in agreement, eyeing Harry's bare legs. "Did you sleep alright?" The question sounded ridiculous, considering the opulence of the room and the smoothness of the fancy bedsheets.

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