sensitive ears

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thank you all for the 1K reads, enjoy :)


"Tell me again why you got your ear pierced?" Louis asked as Harry grabbed his bags off the bus before stepping off into the cold winter air, in the dimly lit parking lot. Harry rolled his eyes fondly, smiling, showing off his practical award winning dimples.

"Told you Lou, it was for the outfit. Well that and I just like the way it looks." Harry said, shaking his back and forth so the small cross swung. Louis chuckled, wheeling his suitcase behind him into the hotel.

"It looks ridiculous."

"You love it and you know it." Harry said matter of factly, causing Louis to chuckle again.

"You keep telling yourself that, Haz. Tomlinson and Styles," he said to the man at the desk, who proceeded to hand him a key with a room number on it. "Room 169." Louis said.

Harry snorted, "169."

"Oh, grow up." Louis rolled his eyes fondly, smacking his boyfriend's arse as he walked towards the elevator. Their room was on the second floor.

"Can I press it can I press it?" Harry said, bouncing up and down as the elevator door closed. Louis laughed.

"Knock yourself out." Harry squealed like a five year old, pressing the number two and wrapping his arms around Louis' waist. "Hey, Haz. Door's open." Louis said as Harry placed a soft, chaste kiss to Louis' lips. They walked into the hall, down until they found their door. Louis put the key in and turned it, walking in.

As soon as they put their suitcases down and got situated, Harry wrapped his arms around Louis' small waist once again and kissed him softly. The two boy's lips fit perfectly together, soft and smooth and Harry just couldn't get enough of kissing Louis. Louis wrapped his arms around Harry's neck as Harry's tongue began to prod at Louis' lips, asking for entrance. Louis allowed, letting Harry's tongue slip into his mouth and begin to explore. Louis giggled slightly as Harry began to suck on his tongue. Louis' mouth was sweet and if he could, Harry would taste him forever.

They broke apart for a breath, resting their foreheads together. Hot breath panted between the two and Harry pecked the tip of Louis' nose. Louis smiled in return, blue eyes looking into Harry's green ones.

Harry leaned down, tilting his head to the side and kissing his jawline, not minding the little bit of a stubble that Louis had. Honestly, it turned Harry on. He loved when Louis didn't shave for a day or two. Speaking of being turned on, Harry felt that familiar tingle in his lower stomach that he got whenever he'd kiss Louis' neck like this, a sign that Harry Jr. was waking up and wanted some attention of his own. He bit softly at Louis' jawline and smirked against his skin when Louis moaned, threading his fingers through Harry's thick curls and tugging lightly.

"Love you Lou," Harry murmured against Louis' warm skin. Louis hummed, fingernails grazing Harry's scalp.

"Love you too Haz," Louis whispered, pulling Harry's head up by his curls and reconnecting their lips, this time pushing his tongue into Harry's mouth and began to roam it around, tasting every inch of Harry's mouth, running them over Harry's baby soft lips and slightly tugging at it with his teeth. Harry's hands occupied themselves by cupping Louis' arse, squeezing lightly and Louis' head almost fell back in pleasure, but instead he began to battle Harry's tongue for dominance. Harry smirked confidently against Louis' lips, knowing that usually he wins and nothing would be different from this time. Although Louis topped, he was submissive when it came to everything else.

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