sweet sixteen

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Louis stood at the door of the Styles' mansion and helped usher the last guest out. He let out a quiet little yawn once the door was closed, his muscles all tensed up from having helped move all of the tables and chairs that still adorned their large lawn earlier in the day. He knew it was more than worth it, though. He didn't think he'd seen the large grin fall off of Harry's face once the entire day. His boyfriend was three years younger than him, now sixteen, and he was possibly the most spoiled kid he'd ever met. His parents gave him everything he asked for and more. He'd just been thrown a huge sweet sixteen party that day, and he'd received not one, but two cars. But he was also the sweetest, and he had these ruby red lips that were made for kissing and soft, downy curls that begged to be tugged on, so he couldn't really complain. Besides, he'd be lying if he said that he didn't spoil the boy himself. Just in an entirely different way because his lips were also made for something else, and Louis had next to no control when he was faced with Harry on his knees, pouty lips hovering inches over him as a he let out a crackly "please" if Louis gave so much as a hint that he was going to say no, which he never did.

Just as Louis turned away from shutting the door, Harry was pressed into his arms, nuzzling against his neck and slipping his hands underneath his shirt as they wrapped around the older boys body. Louis smiled softly down at him, his fingers carding through his hair affectionately and nails skimming over his scalp lightly, causing the younger boy to practically melt into his arms and bury into the crook of his neck further.

"Did you have fun today, love?"

Harry nodded and brushed his nose across his skin, his hands curling over Louis' hips. He made a soft noise of approval as Louis' fingers moved behind his ears, and Louis couldn't help but let out a quiet laugh. He was certain Harry had to be tired from running about all day, swimming and screaming at the top of his lungs to every song the band played, seeming to know every word. So, he shifted him around to his side, fitting the younger boy beneath his arm, and began the trek up the stairs to his room.

"Get everything you wanted?" he asked, just for the sake of conversation, because he knew that there wasn't anymore he could've possibly asked for.

Harry simply shook his head from where it was now pressed into Louis' chest, the soft flannel of his sweater tickling his nose.

Louis was taken aback by his response, his brows furrowing in confusion and a little shock. He knew Harry was spoiled, but not that much. What more could he have asked for? All his presents couldn't even fit in his bedroom yet. They would have to clear out stuff to make room for it, and his bedroom was huge. "What do you mean, Haz? Your parents gave you everything you asked for."

Harry's hands ran up under Louis' shirt, gliding up his chest and then back down as they stepped through his bedroom door. "S'not them," he murmured, pecking Louis' neck as his fingertips ran along the strip of skin right over the waistband of his boxers. "Haven't gotten my present from you yet."

Louis pretended to be confused, brows furrowing as he let out a sound of offense. "What? No, I got you that ga-"

Harry cut him off with a tug to his waistband, the material snapping back against his skin as he nipped at his neck. "And I loved it, but you know that's not what I want right now. I want what you know I've been waiting all day for, what you can't give me in front of everyone else."

Louis tilted his head back as Harry began to mouth at his jaw line, his breath hitching as the younger boy's fingertips slipped right below his waistband, moving along the skin between his hips. "Harry, your parents are right down the hall."

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