show me your love (give me more cause it's not enough)

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Harry's been around. He's been all over the city. He knows all of the buildings and food joints. The thing is, he rides around town on a leather jacket. He's the type of guy that your mom would tell you to stay away from, but he's way to hot to stay away from. Harry's body was littered with tattoos and his hair was always in a half quiff, his natural curls making it hard for it to stay. He's tall and lanky, just miles and miles of legs and torso. His jawline is sharp and his eyes are this beautiful shade of green. Harry Styles really is just a fucking sexy as fuck bad boy who has the power to get almost anyone in bed with him. ALMOST.

Louis Tomlinson is the only person to refuse Harry's offer. He barely even looks at Harry when he sassily tells Harry to fuck off and that he is not interested at all. Which may or may not be a small lie.

"Wait, What?" Harry asks, slightly shocked at the fact that Louis wouldn't let him take him to his place after his shift at the small coffee shop Louis works at.

"You heard me. I said I'm not interested. Do I need to spell it out for you?" Louis asks before turning around and continuing what he was doing before Harry had rudely interrupted him.

"Your loss, Love." Harry shrugs, "I'll have a tea, two sugars and no cream."

Louis goes home that night with Harry running through his head nonstop. He hasn't gotten laid since his break up three months ago, and Harry was so hot. Louis isn't a slut, though. He's not going to give in to some random guy who asks to fuck him, but that's not going to stop him from fingering himself in the shower before bed to the thought of Harry shoving his face into the bed and pounding him into next year.

Harry comes back three days later after his morning workout. Louis sees him walk through the door, and he nearly falls over. From what Louis can see, Harry is very muscular. His biceps are in full show and through his white T-shirt, Louis and see abs, and then there are tattoos. Louis wants to trace over them with his tongue. But he keeps his cool and just groans. "Not you again, I should just kick you out now,"

Harry makes a face and he looks truly offended, "I just want tea. I mean, It wasn't half bad."

Louis raises an eyebrow and disappears behind the doors of the employee only room. Harry sits and starts scrolling through his phone waiting patiently. Harry looks up when Louis comes out with his cup of tea. Harry takes it and takes a sip. "Delicious, as always."

"You're such a flirt, stop." Louis rolls his eyes at Harry's comment. He's only had the tea twice! But anyways, Louis really wants to smile at Harry's dimples.

"I try," Harry smirks. "It would be a waste not to try with such a beautiful person such as yourself."

Louis rolls his eyes again, but this time he has a slight smile on his face. "Are you going to pay for your tea or not?"

Harry gets up and pays for the tea. " I never got your name, Love,"

"Louis." Louis tells him while giving him change, "You?"

"Harry Styles at your service," Harry gives him a wide, bright smile. Louis snorts.

"Get the fuck out my shop you dork." Louis laughs at him and Harry smiles wider, Louis's laugh is almost as beautiful as him. Harry makes it his mission to make Louis laugh like that again. He leaves the shop with plans to come back to the shop the very next day.


Harry comes back to the shop every morning for the next week, then the next saturday morning, he comes in looking like absolute shit. He sits at the bar and puts his head down.

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