tie me down and wreck me - 3/3

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last one for tonight.  so finally, part three of the "smoke and boas" series, besties i gave y'all 18 new chapters today please love me, enjoy!


They don't even make it to the suite. The second the lift doors shut, Harry's attacking him, lips attached to his neck, hands tearing at his jacket, hips rutting against Louis' thigh. Harry's whining, high, desperate whimpers falling from his lips as he crashes his mouth against Louis', lips open and tongue shoving into Louis' mouth.

Louis' caught off guard for just a moment before he catches up, setting his hands on Harry's hips and stopping his frantic motions. Harry cries into Louis' mouth and Louis pushes him back, breaking the contact between them.

"Lou," Harry whines, eyes squeezed shut, " Daddy , please, please, need you, 'm hard, 'm so hard. Please , Daddy."

"Baby," Louis warns lowly, gripping Harry's jaw tightly in one hand, "that's not how this works."

"Daddy, please ." Green eyes plead with Louis, shiny and wide with desperation.

"So greedy, H," he scolds, tutting.

Harry whimpers, still straining forward. Louis' fingers dig into his cheeks and his mouth falls open, a low moan tumbling from his lips. Louis reaches around behind Harry's ass with his other hand, fingers finding the base of the plug through his trousers and pressing. Harry practically screams, eyes rolling back in his head and knees nearly buckling. It was on the highest vibe the entire car ride, Louis holding Harry firmly straddling his lap as Harry cried and bucked his hips against Louis, never gaining quite enough friction. Louis turned it to a lower setting, barely noticeable, when they got out of the car.

Louis takes pity on Harry, letting him fall forward against Louis, hot mouth attacking Louis' neck as Louis fucks him a bit with the vibrator, one hand on his hip stopping him from humping against Louis and helping hold him up.

"Still can't believe you met Beyonce with a vibrating plug up your pretty little arse," Louis muses, voice unaffected even as he stiffens in his pants. Harry whines into Louis' neck and Louis grins. "Think she noticed? Noticed that while you were making small talk you had a toy vibrating inside you? Think she knows what a whore you are for anything I give you?" Harry keens high in his throat, hips jerking as Louis holds him still.

The lift doors ding open and Louis pushes Harry towards them. Harry doesn't detach from Louis, hands on the back of his neck as he sucks on Louis' throat and pulls him along with him. Louis chuckles a little as they stumble into the penthouse suite.

"Lou," Harry pants, pulling back to look into Louis' eyes. "Fuck me."

Louis closes the distance between them with a hard kiss, clashing teeth and bruising lips and sucking Harry's tongue into his mouth as he wraps a hand around Harry's throat, gaining a loud moan from the younger man. Louis shoves him back into the wall and Harry groans at the impact. Louis's lungs are burning but he doesn't care as he kisses Harry roughly, hand tighter around his throat.

Harry's writhing and whinging, trying to rut against Louis but trapped in place. He's loud , as always, and moaning into Louis' mouth, hands on his ass, trying to pull him closer but lacking the focus to succeed. Louis breaks them apart with panting breaths and spit-shiny lips. Harry whines and surges after him, but Louis slams him back into the wall by the throat, rough in just the way Harry likes. Harry moans loudly, hands rising to grab Louis' forearm and eyes rolling back.

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