want you to play with me

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"Hmm?" Harry looked up to see Louis crawling over him, leaning down, burying his face deep in the crook of his neck, his whole body draped on his, snuggling him like Harry was the last thing he got a hold on. Both of them sink so deep in the couch, Louis' already hardening erection rubbing against his thigh. Asking to be taken care of. Because definitely, that's the message it's passing across.

"I need you." he whimpered and gathered Harry in a tight hug. Harry could feel how stressed Louis was, these past few days had been hectic and very eventful. Louis was on the edge of falling apart when things went south, thanks to Andrea — Louis' assistant who ended up fixing everything the way Louis wanted it for his upcoming projects. It's fascinating how Louis keeps up the happy energy around the house and office, even if deep down inside he just wants to let things go for once and not care at all.

Harry unleashed his shirt and smoothed the silky buttery skin hidden underneath, running his palm softly on his beautiful slender back, making him quiver with need, his shirt gradually crinkling near his shoulder blades as Harry massaged his bare back, his golden skin shining in the dim light. Louis was breathing Harry in; like the oxygen he was in his life, and the way Harry knew how much Louis trusted him was making both of them shiver with want and need.

"What do you want, baby?" Harry whispered and Louis squirmed at that, inching his face closer to Harry's, rubbing their stubble together — bruising and burning each other's skin marvelously and earning a low sound of appreciation out of Harry's mouth which just thickened Louis' cock even more.

Harry knew what Louis wanted, he knew where this was going to go and what this night will end up being — Harry balls deep inside Louis, while Louis cries out of overstimulation and a sore ass — but that's exactly what he wants and he's gonna get it. It's going to be one of the nights where Louis wants to lose all his control, the act he portrays among the people he works with is something that requires an immense amount of power and control, and he indeed is so good at it. But sometimes he wants to be the one controlled and surely not in a way someone would think of him in.

"Want you to play with me," Louis mumbled under his breath and bit down the soft skin on the nape of Harry's neck. A wave of chills spread on Harry's body — his words — so soft yet so dirty. So fucking filthy. What a filthy boy that Louis Tomlinson is.

"Want to be your good boy." his words stung deep in Harry's ears and with Louis' entire body weight anchoring him down— this was maddening. Harry could simply rut their hips together and make Louis come right now — but that's not what Harry wants, does he now? Harry felt Louis' cock twitch against his thighs and good lord, Louis' just so horny— Harry loves him like this and just fucking wants to be inside of him like.. right now. Control.

Louis' just desperately hard and needs some immediate attention to his hard problem. Louis' breathing was loud and hammered and — God, Harry wanted it to be much worse but he had to regain his composure and maintain his dominance — his power on his Louis, "Pretty boy wants to be fucked good, hm?" Harry softly muttered, teasing enough to hear a high pitched voice of agreement coming from the pretty boy and his pretty little mouth. Nodding and causing shivering friction with his stubble on Harry's jaw, driving the older man mad with lust. Louis' needy, so fucking needy. God help Harry because he may end up wrecking his gorgeous boy a little too good.

"People are still in the house, you know how loud you get. Hmm?" Harry felt Louis vibrate at that, he knows what his voice does to his horny little boy, "Don't want anyone other than me to hear you like that. All sore and fucked up for me. Begging to come." Harry husked and Louis whined — helplessly rutted his obvious bulge on Harry's thighs, trying to get some friction. Louis was impatiently getting closer to Harry's cock and Harry wanted him to be calm — he slid his hand up and down Louis's back, lingering it a little longer at places he knew had Louis gasping and staying pliant for Harry. Drawing soft and gentle circles in the dimples of his spine. Louis loves it. Louis loves Harry.

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