i love my hands around your neck

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It's a quiet morning as Harry eats his cereal, thinking about the things he brought up two weeks ago while in bed. He can't see why Louis would say no, so there is no harm in asking.

"I want to try it," Harry says, spoon hovering over his bowl. He's been researching what he wants to try for a while now, and the idea of it becomes more intriguing by the day.

Louis sits across from Harry at their breakfast table, flipping through the mail. He hums and pushes his glasses up his nose. "Try what?" He asks, reading a letter as he blindly reaches for his mug of tea.

Harry chews his cereal slowly as he stirs his spoon around in the bowl. He replies to Louis once he swallows, keeping his gaze on the milk that's quickly turning chocolatey, swirling in the pattern he moves his spoon in. "I want you to choke me."

Louis sputters on his hot tea, coughing when it goes down the wrong way, followed by a few curses when he feels some crawling up his nose. Harry looks up, unbothered and as cool as a cucumber with his lips wrapped around his spoon. His eyes meet Louis' and he smiles when Louis raises an eyebrow.

"Oh? When?" Louis asks, seemingly flustered. He reaches for some napkins, wiping himself and the table of tea.

Harry shrugs, poking at the last bit of his breakfast floating in the ceramic, watching as the lone piece of cereal bobs under the milk momentarily. "Tonight?"

Louis puts the mail down on the table, glancing at Harry. He clears his throat, squeezing the dirtied napkins in his fist. His eyes very obviously follow the movement of Harry's tongue collecting a drop of milk off of his bottom lip and Harry watches Louis' throat bob as he swallows. "That's quite sudden, love. I haven't done any research yet."

Smiling, Harry stands toe to toe with Louis, bowl in hand. "Well get to work, Lou," He bends down, cold lips ghosting over the shell of Louis' ear, "I want daddy to take my breath away. Want to feel his fingers mark me up." He straightens himself, nose brushing Louis' sharp cheekbone before spinning on his heels and walking to the kitchen, not missing the hitch in Louis' breath.

Harry can feel Louis watching him walk away. He feels a sudden wave of heat wash over him when he remembers Louis once saying, 'I'm always mesmerised by the sway of your hips' .

When Harry peeks over his shoulder, the grip Louis has around his mug tightens for a moment before letting out a loud, shaky breath. Harry's heart skips a beat. In one gulp Louis finishes the rest of his luke-warm tea and leaves the crumpled paper on the table before rushing off to his office.

Louis has work today, but Harry smiles knowing that Louis will be spending most of his time researching, and he can't help the little dance he does, skirting around their cat with his tummy filled with butterflies as his unbothered demeanor transitions into excitement.

Louis actually does his work - which means that night Harry goes to bed alone and unsatisfied while Louis stays up reading for hours, watching video after video until his eyes refuse to stay open any longer.

The next day Harry follows Louis around like a lost puppy, the question of whether Louis finished some of his research or not on the tip of his tongue, but never finding the right moment to ask.

Louis is clearly trying his best to pretend Harry isn't all but crawling up his bum. He couldn't even have a wee without Harry behind him a minute later with an awful excuse. "I was just wondering where you went," He would say after much hesitation, the initial question still lingering on his tongue.

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