sunshine on my mind

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So maybe Louis was wrong about hating Portland.

The admission is a thought he keeps to himself because Zayn would only be the annoying shit he always is and Harry would mercilessly tease him about it. He's too proud to admit when he's been wrong, would rather be stubborn about it until his last breath, but he can wave the white flag to himself in the depths of his mind.

He was wrong.

There's roughly about 800 miles separating them now—a number he can't get out of his head because apparently he can't Google something without Zayn making fun of him every two seconds—but they've been closer than ever. Louis never realized the weight of happiness a simple phone call to his boyfriend in the grocery store could make him. There was a party one time during spring break in which Louis announced he couldn't make it because he was having a movie night with his boyfriend and—well, Louis felt like he was on top of the fucking world.

It's funny how life seems to work out, making him happier with his relationship than he's ever been, and Louis laughs to himself when he looks back on it.

A muddle of thoughts swim in his head, all of them revolving around Portland and Harry, as he trudges up the stairs in his apartment complex that he now shares with Zayn. His chest heaves heavily as his arms threaten to give out, sending his bags of groceries tumbling to the floor. If Harry were here, he would be the one carrying all the groceries while Louis poked his ribs or nibbled at his ear lobe.

Soon, Louis thinks as he pulls his key out of his pocket and jams it into the keyhole, pushing the door open.

There's a mountain of notes and study guides that Louis should be mulling over, but it's almost two pm on a Tuesday, which means he should be expecting a call from Harry soon. He was never one for strict routines, preferring to tackle whatever he wanted when he wanted, but Portland changed him into that kind of person. Or, Louis' just willing to flip his life upside down for someone as long as that someone is Harry Styles.

His life runs like a routine now, one that he doesn't find himself regretting. It's been five months of Facetiming, Zoom calls, and texting—it cycles back to their first summer together except this time it's stretched out even longer. There's a different ring to everything now, something like a promise that waits for him in Portland that helps Louis survive the next long year.

The sudden vibration of his phone sets off just as he toes off his shoes. Louis doesn't bother to look at the name and just accepts the call, feeling his bones relax already.

"Hey," Louis exhales, the corners of his lips curling into a smile and he hasn't even heard Harry's voice yet.

"Hey, baby," Harry replies. "Christ, I was almost late to calling you because that one student, the one with the glasses I told you about, was keeping me back."

Flopping down on the couch with a huff, Louis laughs. "And did you help them like a good professor would for their students during finals?"

"Of course not," Harry says, a teasing lilt to his tone. Louis can imagine a smug grin on his pink lips, the dimple carving into his cheek. "Told them I had my boyfriend to go have phone sex with and they understood. My students and I have a pretty good relationship, babe."

"Define good," Louis mutters, arching an eyebrow to himself. "Should I be worried?"

"Lou, I think about you every second," Harry replies quickly, voice going soft and sweet. He never turns down the opportunity to remind Louis how much he misses him and he knows it's because Harry feels guilty. "I can't even go to a coffee shop without wishing you were there or thinking about your commentary on the decor. Last one I went to rivals your shitty coffee, though."

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