Chapter 194

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Gabby's POV

As we arrived at the grocery store, I was finally feeling better. I drank some water and just took a moment to breathe before we got out of the car together. I waited at the end of the car while Matt got Matteo out and back into his stroller for me. I smiled when he was done because he placed it perfectly. The stroller had a mini basket in it for grocery shopping but, I still knew that we were going to have to use a normal cart.

Once we were finally, Matt grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers to lead me inside. He pushed the stroller because he was able to do it with one hand while I couldn't. I felt much calmer as we talked together in silence. It was in big part because of my adorable son that was all snuggled up in his car seat. Unfortunately, my calm didn't last long when someone disturbed my thoughts. "Gabriella?" 

Me and Matt both looked up at the same time. "Ramon." I could tell Matt was not happy to see him because he got tense. My dad looked at us and smiled. "How are you guys? And how's Matteo?" Matt just stared at him. "How are you out on bond? You basically threatened my life, and injured Gabby in the process. Does Antonio know you are on bond?"

He just looked at us. "Gabby please don't do this to me. Please don't continue with the charges mija." I looked at my father and then moved to walk away. Matt followed me until my dad grabbed my arm. "Mija!" Matt didn't like that and snapped. "Don't touch my wife!" He looked at Matt, not happy. "Your wife? When did you get married again?" I started getting nervous again and then got weak in the knees. 

"Matt, call Antonio for me." I then moved to grip the stroller and then sat down, feeling like I was about to pass out of exhaustion and stress. Matt got scared and then called 911 automatically. 

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