Back to acting Chief

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48 Hours Later on October 14, 2020 - Matt's POV

After flying all afternoon yesterday and getting home late at night. Me and Gabby were now awake in the bedroom of our home in Chicago. While our Honeymoon did end quite abruptly, we knew that we had to be here. I was currently drinking some coffee when I heard Matteo cry in his bedroom. I decided to go up and get him when Gabby told me to relax. "Matt, relax!"

I heard her go and get him while I was eating breakfast before moving to drink the coffee I needed. This was going to be one of my many coffees today as I was currently exhausted. After finishing my cup, I moved to put my dishes in the sink when I heard Gabby walk in with Matteo, wearing her Paramedic's outfit. 

Gabby had spoken to Hatcher and was back at 51 too even though she had just given birth 6 weeks earlier. But god, I was not complaining. Her body was back in full form and I was so turned on by how fast she got back into shape. We both turned to look at each other, knowing this would be a hard day.

"Hey listen, just stick with me today okay? We are going to get through this together. You as a paramedic and me as acting chief." I moved to rub her back as she stood at the toaster to make herself some toast. She then sighed as she turned to look at me. "At least I know you'll be safe considering a Chief doesn't go in fires for a while."

I nodded and smiled. "Boden already told me everything about the job yesterday when I went to see him. He is going to be out for at least a couple months. The bullet hit a major artery. He's lucky to be alive. Donna said she is not letting him work until the new year." Gabby nodded and smiled. "Maybe we can still get time off then." I moved to kiss her head and sighed. "We can't think about that. But listen, we need to eat and then get going. We need to drop Matteo off at Antonio's house, thank god he still is off until the new year, then we need to go to the house."

Gabby nodded and smiled when she heard the doorbell. "Wonder who that could be?" I decided to go grab it since I already ate, smiling at Matteo who was currently in his jumper before walking to the door.

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