Protective Custody?

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Antonio's POV

When I heard Gabby ask me about protective custody, I thought she was crazy. But then again, our father is crazy too. It isn't that far of a stretch for her to ask me for protection. She doesn't want to loose Matt and is scared. However, this is not something she can decide on her own. Matt had to be in on the conversation and had to be a willing participant.

"Gabby, it's not that simple." I moved to sit next to her on the bed. "I can't just put your entire family in protective custody. I would need Matt's informed consent. And he needs to understand the ramifications. Gabby, as the officer who would put you in PC...I can still talk to you. But, Matt would have to give up everybody in his life. His family, your friends."

Gabby sighed when I said that and then laid her head down on my shoulder. "I am just scared. What if dad really does plan on acting on his threat? I mean, Antonio...he threatened Matt's life. What happens if he does it while he is holding Matteo?" I kissed her head and knew that was really what was scaring her. Matteo's safety from dad.

"And I don't even know if Matt would want to start over somewhere just to protect me and Matteo. I mean, we just bought a new house in Chicago and our life is there." That's when I heard Matt came in. "Why would we need to move from our new house?" I turned to look at him and sighed. "There's talk about you being put in protective custody here in Florida."

Matt just stared at the two of us. "Is it because he threatened my life?" I nodded and sighed. "If there was another option, I would do it but...I am working with the FBI to find him. CPD joined me at the FBI's Miami HQ and I am working out of this place to protect you. But...we can't officially put you in PC unless you you consent to giving up your life in Chicago. Including your friends who you would have to keep in the dark about all this."

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