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You yawned as you looked at your boss who giggled  next to you, almost sticking a finger into your mouth. "You should always hold a hand in front of your mouth (Y/N), unless you want flies in your mouth. Also you look ugly like that", she laughed making you pout at her.

"The day is dragging out so much", you whined and complained, your boss sadly agreeing.

"True, even though it's Friday. You expect the people to be in a Shopping type of Mood but it seems like the town is dead today", she sighed, leaning her arm against the counter and pressing her face into her palm.

Your boss, Nami, looked at you, before looking at the clock at the cash register.

You both were literally just standing around doing nothing. If she could, she would close the shop earlier today but unfortunately her hands were tied, as she was just the shop manager but not the actual owner of the small clothing brand store, you both were currently working at.

She started contemplating whether she should get you both a piece of cake from the bakery across the street since, she was sure that you both would be standing around the whole day without any customers. Also the shop was clean, the clothes all neatly laid and you had no new articles and products to unpack so there was literally nothing to do for you two.

Might as well get something to eat.

You heard her sigh next to you again, as you checked your messages on your phone, and turned to her, "Hmm?", she looked back at you with a slight pout, "you know what, I'm gonna get us a chocolate milk and a cake.. today is literally torture..", she whined and slouched.

Nodding your head in agreement, she went to get her wallet from the back of the store, where the common room was.

Chuckling, you watched as she excitingly made her way towards the entrance of the store, "alright, you know which one I like!" She turned around yelling, "cheesecake", before continuing to walk out of the store.

You yelling a, "yes", after her excitingly.

Today was indeed a very very boring day. Usually you would have some customers every now and then or a full house, as you liked to call it. But today, today it seemed like the town was abandoned and deserted.

Usually you would put the fault on the weather but even the weather was relatively nice outside, you and your boss considered it "the perfect shopping weather". No rain, no clouds, not too hot and not too cold.

You sighed and continued to keep scrolling through your messages, your friend sending you silly pictures of her at work since she also didn't had anything to do today at her office.

"What a weird and boring day", you sighed.

Locking your phone and putting it down on the counter, you lazily slumping against it waiting for your boss to return with the food for you two.

You decided to take a glance outside from where you stood, spotting your boss speed walking back to your shop making you almost chuckle at her excited expression. Letting out another yawn as she came in, she put both of your cakes down on the counter with the drinks she got.

"Even the bakery is empty", she sighed, to which you only replied,"what a bummer", before getting to the back of the shop, into the common room, to fetch some forks for you two.

And that's how your day went.

You both were chatting about anything possible. You weren't the newest addition to the staff but you almost worked for a year, in the shop, now. Your boss taking an extreme liking to you from the very beginning.

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