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It was indeed silent. 

The only thing you heard, were the birds outside the windows and trees rustling in the small wind. 

Is that what peace felt and sounded like? 

For the first time in forever you let out a freeing breather. Your heart instantly feeling at ease. Stretching yourself a bit, your bones cracked, due to the fact of sleeping on a traditional Japanese futon. 

Something you weren't used to.

A knock on the wooden frames made you jump a bit before you told Mr. Irahaga that he could enter, completely forgetting that you weren't alone in this house. He slid the door open, shuffling in and laying a Samue set down for you to wear around the house. 

"good morning, the food is almost ready, sweetheart", Mr. Irahaga said, giving you a warm smile, "wash up and come to the table then." 

With that he bowed and shuffled away, sliding the door shut. A small smile on your lips. 

Mr. Irahaga was the old man who took Baipā in. He was almost 80 years old, living alone in this old traditional Japanese house in the countryside. His wife died before him, leaving him with her garden he attends to everyday and takes care off. 

When you arrived yesterday, you had the opportunity to talk to him a bit. Mr. Irahaga was excited to see Baipā with a beautiful woman on his side. 

Like a father who was proud of his son. 

It made your heart unbelievable swell, warmth filling your chest as you felt tears fall down your eyes.

Baipā panicked so hard yesterday, it made you giggle. The memory of him hugging you close, apologizing if he did or said something wrong to which you reassured him that it was fine. You were just a bit sensitive nowadays. Happy that he had such a great man take care off him. 

Baipā was about to ask what you meant but Mr. Irahaga interrupted him, giving you a warm smile when he said, "my son, when she's ready, she will tell you herself!" 

Baipā was about to protest a bit but Mr. Irahaga just told him to shut it, "she clearly went through a lot, Baipā. Don't pressure the poor girl. Go rest, dear! The room is ready!" Bowing to him, you went your way leaving a pouting Baipā behind, who got hit upside down by the head before catching up with Mr. Irahaga. 

Before he drove away he slid into your room, hugging you goodbye. 

"I'll try to visit every now and then but for now.. relax and take the time to heal", he said softly. The urge to kiss him was big but when you leaned in, he stopped you with a kiss to the side of your lips, smiling, "I wanna reserve it for when you're out of here. When I'll be standing in front of you in your new life." 

You nodded your head before hugging him tightly once more, burying your face into his chest and with that, he went his way.

Now here you were, sitting on the table with Mr. Irahaga as he talked about his late wife. A fond smile on your lips as you listened to him, the wish to have something like this one day too, huge. A man, dedicated to his wife even after death. Loving her so much that he takes care of the most precious thing she had... her garden.

The garden that bloomed in different colors, each flower shining brightly and proudly. 

He was a man that was very rare these days. Telling you stories after stories. The time his wife got mad at something so insignificant, she walked away and without a second thought he followed her, silently walking behind her. Giving her space but protecting her. While the men around you just let you disappear, letting you walk away and getting mad at you for walking away. 

He recalled the time when his wife was devastated about a flower that died, he instantly cooked her, her favorite food. Putting her favorite movie on and the next day he went ahead and carefully took care of the dead flower, asking her if it was alright to buy a new one. 

He remembered a time where they went to the market, a guy hitting on his beautiful wife, which he couldn't even get mad about cause she was a sight to see. But instead of possessive behavior or aggressiveness towards her and the man, which you had to experience all the time, he simply walked up to her. Giving her a fond smile and a kiss on the cheek, before gently taking her hand in his. 

He respectfully bowed to the man, thanking him for complimenting his beautiful wife before gently tugging her away.

He had many more sweet stories to tell. Heart warming stories that made you feel greatly used and disrespected by everyone who had been in your life, except three men. 

Nat, Haruka and Baipā. 

But it wasn't a surprise to you that Baipā was like this. Growing up with a gentle and warm men like Mr. Irahaga, he was bound to get his characteristics. Mr. Irahagas respectful nature showing through in Baipā. 

After your little breakfast you went ahead and helped Mr. Irahaga in the garden, he told you to relax but you insisted on helping him, telling him that this would relax you. 

And so the time passed, two hours flying by in an instant. After taking a break, where he cooked you two some tea up, he suggested for you to take a walk. The countryside was beautiful after all.

And so you did. 

He gave you a Kimono, telling you that the Samue set was more for at home wear. Comfortable clothing you could cook, clean and garden, in. 

So after putting on the Kimono he gave you, a small smile on his face as he complimented you, "you look just as gorgeous as my wife in it", you started to take a walk outside. Before you left, he had asked you to go to the market and maybe get a few vegetables, if you perhaps had a certain dinner in mind to which you nodded your head. 

Now here you where, sitting in the grass, a small river in front of you as small birds in front of you drank from the river. 

The trees around you, shielding you slightly from the sun as you watched the little birds playing around. Letting out a sigh as you breathed in the fresh air, feeling your inner soul calm down. 

Away from the bustling noises of Tokyo or even your own hometown. 

Away from crowds. 

Away from cars, pollution and people talking.

Away from guns and the stench of blood. 

Just you. 

You, the sound of the river and the birds. 

The sound of the leaves dancing with the wind. 

The trees having their own tune and rhythm.

It felt like the world around you, was playing a calming melody, reassuring you that everything will be fine. And no matter how you twisted and turned it, your intuition told you that you'll be fine. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow but in near future.

It was a trial in your life that you had to go through and you would do so, knowing that one day you would be able to find peace... alive.

Authors Note

While writing this chapter, I thought about this view

While writing this chapter, I thought about this view

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