🔞༒ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 42༒🔞

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You were struggling against his grip on your wrists, your legs on each side of his hips as you were sitting on his lap. 

He had manhandled you. Almost throwing you over his lap when he lifted you up to sit down on him. An amused smile playing on his lips when he could tell how flustered you were from the way he spoke to you. Clearly, you were enjoying it.

A harsh slap on your thigh made you stop fidgeting in his lap. 

"all you did so far, was misbehaving since we went outside. We were so nice to you, taking you out since you were a 'good girl' as you proclaimed. Now look at you, your dress all hitched up and flustered. Tell me, did you and Hanma had a bit of a fun together, hmm? Did he had his fingers knuckle deep in you while he drove around like a maniac from us? Hmm? Tell me."

You shook your head, trying to keep your composure but it was so hard when he was literally looking down at you even though you were the one looking down at him. 

He was literally looking down at you while he put himself on a throne. 

It frustrated you. It frustrated you so much, you wanted nothing more than to stuff his fucking mouth but the way his fingers were wrapped around your wrists, his hand squeezing your exposed thigh every now and then made you weak. 

Plain weak to his touch. 

When he started to stroke up and down your thigh, inching every now and then upwards towards your pulsing heat you almost whined out, Almost. But you were strong willed, something a lot of people never realized until it was too late. 

Rindou took notice though, instantly, as he obviously met quite a few people and different personalities in his... 'job'. 

"Holding back?", "no", you choked out when he let his finger grace your clothed clit. 

He had pushed you slightly back, not enough to let your back rest against the steering wheel, but enough to let his hand slip in between your bodies. He wanted to rile you up some more. Teasing you until you would break in his touch. Begging him to stuff you with his cock.

He kept gracing his fingers on your clothed clit, applying pressure every now and then when you let out a moan erupted from your throat, a satisfied smirk appearing on his face. 

"There, there, now, let me hear you some more", he cooed, lifting your hands up to kiss your wrists. "Rindou, fuck... stop teasing!", you suddenly snapped making him chuckle, quite satisfied with the way it was going.

"I thought you were a good girl? Only whores talk like you. So after all you are a whore, huh?", "I'm a good girl to people who treat me nicely", you snapped, making Rindou click his tongue, "wasn't I nice to you? I paid for your shoes, let you hop on my lap, wasn't I Nice to you?", "you're dick, a fucking dick and nothing more." 

That made something snap in him. 

Opening the door, you almost hit your head when he threw you out of the car. You landed on your knees and hands, when you heard him behind you. Not even able to react fast enough, you were yanked on your feet again. Dragged to the other side of the car when he opened up the passenger seat and manhandled you on top of him again.

One minute you were sitting on his lap in the drivers seat, the next you were sitting in the passenger seat on his lap. A grip around your waist to hold you down, close to him and another hand on your jaw, his fingers reaching your neck, tangling in your hair. 

His lips ghosting over yours, "I'll teach you who I am! I'm gonna engrave my name in that dumb brain of yours. You say I'm nothing more than a dick? Then I'll make sure you only remember my dick, got it?! I'll be the only fucking thing in your mind, I'll make sure of it", he said in a low threatening voice. 

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