༒ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 80༒

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Upon entering the club, there was one thing you noticed first, your face scrunching up in a sense of disgust. The air was thick, the lingering stench of sex, smoke and alcohol was surrounding you. 

The club was empty as it was still day time. You saw workers shuffle around the place, cleaning up tables and the floors of the club, making the club presentable once more for the nightly customers to come. 

As you walked further in, you saw a familiar figure, sitting on a table with his cigarette hanging from his lips as he counted the money in his hands. A half naked girl next to him, rubbing her face against his thighs. You had to admit though, the sight was quite funny to you as he didn't pay any mind to the girl, absolutely disinterested towards her. Dismissing her behavior and poor attempts of getting his attention. 

The man, seemingly noticing the 'stare' he was receiving from you, looked up. His eyes locking with yours, a wide grin spread across his face in a matter of seconds upon seeing your form. 

"(Y/N)! My Favorite Doll♡", the Man said, pushing the girl, that was rubbing on him, away. 

In a swift move he stood up and walked up to you, wrapping his hands around you and lifting you up, a giggle escaping your lips. "Hi there, Hanma!", cupping his cheeks as you were looking down on him. You grinned before giving him a little peck on the nose, his grin getting wider from your cute antics. 

"Ah, Princess, what are you doing at such a place?", he tilted his head up at you, as he was still holding you up. "I need to talk to Madame Rouge", you shortly replied, making him furrow his brows. 

"Why?", "I have some questions, nothing of upmost importance", "how do you know her?", "Are you a detective now? Why you interrogating me?", you grimaced at him, a chuckle escaping his lips. 

"If Madame Rouge want's to recruit you, just know that I won't agree", "Eh? What does that have to do with you?", "I'm her boss", he said, his voice dropping as he leaned in closer to your face. "Oh.. well, no.. she doesn't want to recruit me, at least not as of now... according to her", "Ha, so she talked to you, huh?", "I met her at a meeting.." 

He looked at you for a second, thinking when he started to laugh, "right, Bonten!", before letting you down. "still their little plaything?", "please don't say it like that..", you answered, fidgeting in your spot. You were suddenly avoiding his gaze. The term that you used to shrug off, now making you uncomfortable. Plaything.. He immediately noticed your shift of mood from your previous playful one, his brows furrowing. "Hanma~", he heard the girl behind him whine, making him roll his eyes, "shut the fuck up! Don't you see I'm busy here!" Not even turning towards the girl, as he took your wrist in his hand, practically dragging you into his office.

As soon as he went inside, he pushed you down on the chair in front of his desk. 

Settling himself down in his office chair, he didn't even give you a second to say anything when he said, "I don't like your weird behavior, doll!" 

Hanma eyed your form, only noticing now how your skin looked so dull and matt. Your eye bags coming through. "I'm just a tad bit tired, that's all", "you sure? Tired looks different. You look dead", "jeez, thanks for the compliment", you said, pressing your lips in a tight line and giving him a deadpan look. 

He laughed, "What? Seeing you in joggers and your hair messy like this, makes me believe you just woke up from your slumber and decided to spontaneously come by. Now why do you want to talk to my employee? Is this about the deal with Bonten?", "I have personal matters to talk with her, about. Nothing that should worry your handsome brain and will do any harm to your business nor Bontens Deal", "Wah~, you talk like a real business woman. I like that♡", he chuckled. 

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