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Walking in, you were greeted with the stench of sweat, alcohol and smoke. The darkness engulfing you all like a thick coat.

The first thing you noticed were the girls ogling at the three men beside you. Greedy stares and the lick of lips were thrown their way. Trying not to pay too much attention towards it, you looked away, pressing yourself a bit further towards Rindou who on the other hand, tightened his grip around you.

Leaning down, he asked you, "are you uncomfortable?", due to your 'behavior'.

You shook your head though, dismissing the statement.

As you four walked further inside, Ran tapped your shoulder, pointing towards a seating area in the back. Nodding your head, you pulled Rindou along as you four made your way towards the seating area in the far corner before finally settling down. It has been a while since you went to the club, the last time ended not too well for you and in distress for the others. Though this time you could tell that at least Rindou, was keen on keeping you by his side the entire time. His hand never leaving your waist as it was practically glued to your hip at this point.

Sanzu went ahead to order some drinks for you all, while Ran and Rindou kept an eye out on the targets. You on the other hand, was eyeing the girl group slowly approaching your table.

You just knew, you knew, they were making their way towards the three men to jump on their laps and of course, to no ones surprise, the first one sat down. Squeezing her boobs 'subtly' between her arms, she leaned forward towards Ran.

"Hey, there!", giving him big eyes with a pout playing on her lips.

Ran gave her a lazy smile back, "hi", before his gaze turned to Sanzu who came back with the drinks, though not alone as he had several girls cling onto him, desperately, as if they were on life support.

Successfully annoying you.

Biting your lips you heaved out a sigh before looking away, leaning a bit into Rindou. Sanzu placed down the drinks, shrugging the girls slightly off as he took his seat beside you, eyeing your slightly annoyed expression with a grin. "someones jealous", he grinned, as you scoffed back, "am not, I don't care lol."

Nodding his head, in a 'whatever- you-say'-way, he took a sip of his drink when the girls all settled down beside him and Ran, another one even squeezing in between Ran and Rindou. "I hope y'all don't mind us joining your table!", one of them grinned, giving Sanzu a flirtatious look.

He shook his head, resting his arms on the back of the leather couch, a smirk playing on his lips, "of course not, doll!", a giggle escaping her lips.

Rindou could tell that you were not feeling comfortable nor were you pleased with the girls ogling and gushing around you all as you sat with your arms and legs crossed over another, your head slightly tilted with a pretty much 'bitchy'-expression on your face, looking everywhere but them.

You couldn't even focus on the mission properly as the girls around you were giggling, getting all touchy with Sanzu and Ran.

You decided to stand up and look around.

That was one of the things you feared would happen, that you would have to carry the mission on your own. Though if you were honest, you didn't had a problem doing so. You always did your shit alone, always did the work. It was just the sheer fact of reassurance.

If you did the job, you knew that it would be done and probably well done as well. Having someone else do a job was always risky in a sense as you didn't had control of the matter and never knew the outcome. When you did it, the outcome was always pretty predictable, you had control and you always did every job and everything you ever did, with cautious and calculated steps.

Yeah, it was your own sheer fact of reassurance, cause you only could trust yourself to do the jobs good.

So without another word you stood up, Rindou eyeing you before following.

"Where you going?", "I'm gonna look around! Ran and Sanzu seem pretty distracted and I don't really wanna waste more time and spend any more unnecessary time here", "fair point!"

With that you two started to walk around. Trying to find anyone who could give you some sort of information or trying to find a way to the office without the security noticing. Though your thoughts immediately got interrupted when a girl squeaked beside you, eyes wide and mouth agape as she stared at Rindou. Looking back at Rindou you saw his confused gaze on the girl, when she suddenly squeaked once more to her friends, "Oh my god, he's looking at me!"

You honestly had a bit enough of the girls here in the club, a grin spreading on your face when you turned to her, "he's doing charity sweetie, don't get your hopes up", making Rindou grin beside you. She was about to say something back when she saw how Rindou wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you closer to him as he dismissed the girl and nuzzled his face into your hair, pulling you alongside towards the bar, "someone's a bit jealous today!"

You rolled your eyes, "nah, I just like barking at people", before walking ahead. Rindou laughed, "I know you like doing so, that's definitely nothing new but something about you today, mmh.. how do I say it.. ", leaning closer to your ear, he continued, "the little possessive side of you, I like that. Defending whats yours, thats hot... makes me wanna.. claim you."

"you sound like a werwolf in heat", pulling a disgusted face at him.

Now it was his turn to roll his eyes, "great way to kill the mood", "didn't know we had a mood going on in the first place", "well, I tried to set it but you ruined it", "ah, shut it", you said back before turning towards the table where Ran and Sanzu were.

Rindou followed your gaze, sighing at his brother and the pink haired male, both occupied with entertaining the girls. Though Sanzu noticed both your gazes, turned his eyes towards you, giving you a grin and a wink.

Without missing a heartbeat, "Imma fight this motherfucker.. who does he think he's winking too", making Rindou burst out laughing beside you. "What is it with you today?", "bruh.. man.. ", you sighed, "I don't know. I feel especially irritated today", pulling another disgusted face towards Sanzu, this time, you turned away. "At the rate we're going, we're going nowhere", you said before mumbling more so to yourself, "If I had known how this will turn out, I might as well would've asked to do this mission alone. Incompetent fucks", deadpanning while looking at nothing.

"You're quite bitchy today", Rindou pointed out, having heard exactly what you said.

"As I mentioned, I'm quite irritated today and this shit isn't making it better. Another comment from your side and your face will be planted on this fucking bar table.So shut the fuck up before you get smacked the fuck up."

"someones mad", Rindou said, pretending to have missed the threat you just said, "Rindou!", you warned. Though when the younger Haitani gave you a shit eating grin, you knew he was purposely pissing you off some more, "aww babe, don't be mad!", "I'm not mad", "ssh, babe. It's fine, you really don't have to be pissed off", "I'm no-.. I'm No-.. I'm not", "See, you're mad", he gave you a fake pout.

Closing your eyes, you took a deep breath, before opening them again, "I'm not mad", you said as calmly as you could, Rindou though shook his head, "I can see the angry wrinkle between your brows", "actually.. you know what.. you can go to hell", you said, smiling at him before showing him the middle finger and disappearing in the crowd, making Rindou suddenly wide eyed and panic.

"Wait, (Y/N)!  No!"

This was not supposed to happen, you were supposed to stay the entire time next to him. Cursing at himself for over doing it, he started to look through the crowd, pushing past the people but you were unfortunately nowhere in sight. "fuck"

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