༒ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 22༒🔞

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TW:// Gore themes /

"Betraying us, I see!", Sanzu grinned, the gun pointed towards your head as you currently stood in the living room, shielding Nat behind you. 

You and him just walked back to the living room when suddenly the gun was pointed at you both. 

You instantly went forward without a second thought, pushing Nat behind you. He had told you his name when you were both discussing your next steps, a plan to save his daughter. 

Kakucho stood behind Sanzu, looking at you and the guy behind you, observing your next move. "Fuck are you even talking about?", you genuinely asked, scrunching up your brow in confusion. "HA, what did y'all do in the bathroom, huh?! Sucked his dick?", Sanzu laughed. "Big words for a fella who wanted his dick sucked by me", you said, eyeing Sanzu with a grimace on your face. 

"Work comes first", he shrugged. 

"You know what else comes first? Getting slapped", you said, giving him a challenging look. "The fact that you're betraying Bonten and you're talking back! Ha.. Bitch I'll fucking show you who you're messing with!!", Sanzu snapped, ready to shoot you at any given moment. Just waiting for you to make a move. Though he stopped when you suddenly snapped at him. 

"Boy have you lost your damn fucking mind, cuz by god I'll help you find it!"

Getting closer to the gun, the gun now touching your forehead, the metal cold on your skin as you stared him down. A silent challenge. Daring him to shoot you. Daring him to pull the trigger. 

"(Y/N)! Sanzu!", Kakucho called you two out with a stern voice before sighing. 

You both turned towards him, Sanzu annoyed as fuck from Kakucho interfering. Kakucho though, just pointed towards Mikey, "(Y/N), what did you decide?", was all Mikey asked. Raising a brow at him, you locked eyes with Nat before returning your gaze back to Mikey, "We're gonna break into their hideout, not sure yet though if we're gonna shoot everything up or just stealthily get his kid back, as we don't know how many are gonna be at the hideout. Also it's a group called 'Pricolici', the name comes from of a Romanian folklore. The undead souls.. edgy kids", you mumbled the last part with a roll of your eye. 

"So you're going in. Alright.

Everyone except Kakucho looked in confusion towards Mikey. Kakucho wanted to sigh, though he referred himself from doing so. 

"I'll get some more Information about them. We wanted to acquire some more Info about them anyway, since the meeting. I assume you only got info necessary for your 'mission'", Kakucho said turning towards Nat. Nat cautiously nodded his head, "yeah... they only gave me info regarding her living place and that she was in contact with.. Bonten, nothing more!", "Alright", he turned towards the others, "be on standby, as soon as I call, we're going!"

"Alright!", you said, grinning happily. Though upon hearing that Kakucho turned back to you, a stern look on his face, "Not You! You're staying at home", "Huh?!"

"Are you sure this is a good idea?", Nat asked, worry laced in his tone. "Yeah yeah, we'll be fine", you reassured, sitting with him in your car in front of the hideout. "But the others-", "good thing I don't listen to anybody but me", you smiled at him. He sighed, "this I gonna end with both of us dead and skinned." 

"Don't be so pessimistic", you waved your hand at him, dismissing his thoughts. "I mean it!", "yah yah, blah blah", you said, opening the door of your car before getting out. 

Walking towards the trunk of your car, you opened it. Nat shortly coming out too, walking towards your before looking with wide eyes at the weapons in your trunk. "What the-", "don't ask questions you don't want the answers too!", you winked at him. "The longer I hang out with you the more questions arise", he said, still eyeing the stuff laid out in front of him. 

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