༒ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 9༒

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No doubt, you honestly almost pissed yourself when the first thing you saw, upon opening your eyes, was a grinning Sanzu.

He was staring at your sleeping form when he suddenly knocked on your car window. Making you successfully yelp in shock, that was followed with a groan and a "ah, fuck!", before you sat up and ruffled your hair in pure frustration.

Looking up from your position, you saw, on the opposite window, Ran. A lazy smirk playing on his lips as he waved at you in an almost, mockingly, manner.

Guess you were found after all. "damn it...", you mumbled to yourself, tiredness still very evident on your face as you struggled to keep your eyes open. You noticed that it was just the crack of dawn as the sun was just starting to come up. Cursing at yourself as you wanted to just take a quick one hour nap before continuing to drive further away somewhere. Obviously, you had to forget to put on an alarm. Dumbass...

You heard Sanzu behind you, knock at your car window once more. Shifting your body around you turned back to him, facing him with a frown on your face.

He pointed his finger towards your locked car door, basically telling you to, 'unlock it', making you almost scoff. Thought all you did, was look at him for a split second before you crawled to the front of your car, seating yourself down at the front seat.

Realizing now, that your car was surrounded by a bunch of men. Subordinates of them, you thought, as you haven't seen most of them. "great..", you mumbled, rather annoyed, to yourself. Feeling stuck now.

"She has a nice car", Rindou commented mindlessly as he was currently leaning against a tree.

"Angel, angel, angel~", Sanzu sang, now standing at your front car door, "unlock the door~", he cooed. "If you unlock it now the punishment won't be that harsh, promise!", he grinned.

Trying to stay calm and think rational- scratch that. Who were you kidding? You were not a rational thinker, at all. At least in stressful situations like this. Cause the moment that specific thought crossed your mind, you knew your death sentence was written in stone.

Though for some reason, call it insanity or just the thrill of getting followed by dangerous.. *cough* handsome *cough*, men.. you didn't really know. The life and death situation, you were currently facing, was giving you an insane adrenaline kick you truthfully haven't felt in years.

It was slightly scaring you, how you wanted to push the buttons of those men surrounding you. Wanting to see, how far you can go before you lie in a pool of your own blood.

Cursing at yourself, you literally questioned your own sanity at the current moment. What was wrong with you? Had you really been this bored in your life that this shit was really giving you the high that you haven't felt in a while? The nostalgic feeling of being in trouble and getting in trouble. Was it the need, the want and wish for something absolutely insane, to happen in your life to satisfy your cravings for adventure and pure craziness.

Curing your boredom, you subconsciously had felt for a while now.

Admittedly, you were tired of life but was that the only solution?


At least in that moment, it was.

Without loosing a second thought, you turned on the engine of your car. Pushing your hand on the steering wheel and honking your car, in an almost threateningly manner.

Warning the people, that stood in front of your car, that you wouldn't hesitate to drive them over. Not that you wanted to but you would, if you needed to.

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