༒ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 79༒

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After his little confession yesterday, he brought you two home. Since then you haven't said nor done anything, yet again. 

Kakucho looked at your sleeping form beside him, deep in thought, as he sighed. 

He felt horrible. 


Knowing that what he did was not an act of a decent man but of an literal asshole. Not knowing that his words would affect you two more, than you two would've ever thought, in near future that is. 

He was gonna regret deeply what he did and unfortunately sooner than he would've liked. 

He stood up, trying not to wake you up, as he got ready for work. 

Mikey called in a meeting at the early hours. Something of upmost importance, that's all he knew, so without further thought, as he finished getting ready, and without looking at you once more, he went out. Ready to let the day give him what it has to offer. 

You on the other hand was awake, the entire time. Pretending to be asleep as you didn't want to face Kakucho. His confession yesterday not surprising you but still doubting the sincerity of those words he uttered. Your gut telling you that it was all a plan. A plan to make you 'submit' and 'behave'. 

Forming you into something they needed and wanted. 

Obviously you didn't want Madame Rouges words to get to you but it was too late, as you have been driven into your thoughts for several days now. And even though you hated to admit it, you were overthinking so much to the point that it made sense what Madame Rouge said. It made too much sense that it wasn't just to spite you or piss you off. It was more than that. 

Getting up with a much clearer head, than the past few days, you decided to get ready, a clear plan in your head. You were gonna find Madame Rouge. 

Deciding to wear something more comfortable today you opted for a pair of joggers, a tight cropped top, a checkered oversized overshirt and some boots. Since your hair was growing out and your roots were peaking out, you went for a high ponytail, so it would look a little decent. Grabbing your phone, your thoughts drifted towards Inupi... maybe he could... no... you didn't wanted to drag him into this. So without further thoughts you went out.

After walking for a bit, without a plan, you were slowly rethinking your decision. 

I mean, you had a clear plan but you forgot the extra steps, like, not knowing where to find her. 

So with a sigh and a slumped back, you scratched your head, getting frustrated at your stupid plan when suddenly a car stopped in front of you. "(y/n)?", looking up, your face instantly brightened, "Kazutora?!", "what are you doing?" 

Scratching your cheek, you honestly lacked an excuse. Noticing your hesitation of answering, he furrowed his brows, ushering you inside his car. 

As soon as you sat down, "Don't tell me you got into trouble?", he asked, turning to you with furrowed brows. In the comfort of his car, you slouched a bit, letting out a sigh, "(y/n)? What's wrong, tell me!", Kazutora more or less demanded now. "I'm looking for someone", you said, avoiding eye contact as the subject was indeed a weird one. 

"Who are you looking for?", "it's not that important-", "must be, since you seem very hesitant and secretive about it", "stop observing me", you pouted before chuckling.

"I'm just worried", "awww", instantly cupping his cheeks, he flushed from your action and cooe-ing. "Thank you!", he radiated softness and sincerity, making you instantly feel safe and secure. 

"So please, tell me what happened! You almost seem like you're on your way somewhere", you sighed, "i don't know how to tell you. Or like, how to talk about it in general...", "just talk.! I did a lot of shitty things in my past... stuff.. that.. yeah... anyways... you can talk to me! I'm gonna be the last person that will judge you or your actions!" 

Your eyes widened at that, seeing the look in his eyes that held regret. And for some odd reason, you had to admit that you did trust him. More than anyone at this point. 

With the sincerity and guilt in his eyes, you nodded softly. Deciding for the first time,  to speak up about what was happening with you and around you. Not knowing why you trusted Kazutora so much when you literally have met him just once.

"Kazutora.. please promise me that you won't do anything.. unless I ask you too!", he furrowed his brows, before nodding his head. "I promise!", "alright", you sighed, "I'm... i got kidnapped... by a gang.. I have gained enough trust so they let me walk around like that and to actually have a cellphone. 

Im working more or less for them, so... anyways... I'm looking for a woman called Madame Rouge, she apparently has enough info to tell me where my trip... might end... buried 6 feet under or... a prostitute for low. I just need to talk to her. I need to know more about the others. 

More about my survival chance. My plan is to leave as soon as I can. Get a plane back home and let my traces disappear from their radar!"

Kazutora looked at you in utter shock. Not able to form words as that was the least thing he expected. 

Hell, he would've been able to say more if you would've killed someone. 

Which you did but he didn't know that yet, hehe. 

Coming back to the topic, he cleared his throat. "Which gang?", "b... bonten?", making his breath stop, his eyes widening even more. "Mikey Kidnapped you?", "how do you know Mikey?", "We used to be childhood friends. We were the founding members of Toman. Our first gang, he was the leader. Then I went to juvie, twice, and I haven't heard from him anymore. The only thing I know that he's currently in Bonten... the worst criminal organization Japans.."

"you went to juvie?", "that's the only thing you're focusing on?", "what did you do?", "(Y/N)! Stay on the topic", "watcha did, that got your ass imprisoned?!", you cheekily smiled, which disappeared when you saw his guilt ridden face.

"I killed Mikeys Brother and my closest friend...", he softly said. 

"Oh... fuck.. sorry... if it makes you feel any better, I also killed my closest friend..!", you shrugged. Making him turn to you in shock, "wait what?", "I also killed my closest friend. I had to... I went to therapy though. The judge said I was not mentally stable enough, apparently. Still a bit better than going to juvie but technically we are in the same boat!", you smiled. 

"I assume, since you were friends with Mikey back then... the others know him too?", "yeah...", "so many dots got connected right now... shit...", for a second you two stayed silent, letting all the stuff sink in before you shot up, "Fuck, I shouldn't be here with you!", "Wait, what?! Calm down, (Y/N)!", Kazutora tried to stop you from hastily getting out of the car when he noticed your stressed state, "I shouldn't be here, if they find out-", "Calm Down!", he snapped, making you immediately stop and look at him.

"Nobody will find out anything! They haven't found out about it till now, what makes you think they will find out about it?", "ok... okay, no no, you're right! Sorry, I panicked", "I saw", "don't judge", he lifted his hands up, "wouldn't do that! Now... how about we look for your Madame Rouge?", you nodded your head, when he continued,"let me make a couple calls! We will find her in no time"

Standing in front of a Strip Club, with the obvious letters 'MADAME ROUGE', you were pretty sure, that was her club. 

You looked at Kazutora, "I'll go alone! Wait here", "are you sure?", "I'll be fine! It's the broad daylight, nothing bad will happen", you reassured. 

He looked hesitant, reluctant to let you go.

Giving him a reassuring kiss on the cheek, you basically stunned him, giving you time to grin at him and get out of the car. With a deep breath, you entered the club, hoping to find some sort of info or closure. 

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