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"I'm going insane..", Sanzu mumbled, swallowing a pill to calm his nerves down. 

He was at the HQ with the others, spread out on the couch with his head thrown back on the backrest. His arms extended on each side of him. In one hand, a gun. He was mindlessly playing around with while his other hand was now, empty. 

As he had swallowed the little blue pill that was just a mere second ago in the palm of his hands. 

"Aren't you already insane?", Rindou retort making Sanzu laugh mockingly back, "ha ha ha! It's making me absolutely fucking crazy that Angel isn't here but with some other fucker..", and Rindou unfortunately knew, exactly, what Sanzu meant. 

It's been a little over a week now since your presence was gone and you were on the mission. The distance they experienced from you days prior, wasn't as bad as what they were experiencing now. 

You completely gone from their sight, was a totally different other story.

Cause even though you didn't talk to them, they still saw you. You were still there. But now it's so weird to not have you around. Hating to admit it, but they had missed you, a bit more than they should've. 

Koko has been buying you dresses, picturing you in them. Not being able to wait for your return so he could spoil you with them and even more things. 

Kakucho has been missing your presence for a while now. The words, 'I love you' and 'I miss you', a little bit truer now than before. 

Akashi had been attentively watching your cat, trying to distract him from the fact that his owner was gone for a few days.. it had pained him to see your cat look for you, entering every room in his apartment, crying seemingly out for you.. as if he was yelling your name in hopes you would respond. 

Sanzu, to distract himself from your lack of presence, started to take higher doses of his stuff. In hopes he would see you in a hit of hallucinations and dreams. 

Ran and Rindou were quite good with hiding the fact that they were missing you. Though both of them decided to fill themselves up with work. Work, work, work,... hoping time will go by faster. 

Mochi, accidentally, kept making another cup of tea. Forgetting that you were currently not here to take your breaks with him.

Shit, you weren't even dead but why was everyone so depressed? 


They had fallen for you. Something none of them expected at the slightest bit. You were a hostage. A job. Yet here they were, craving for your touch. Wanting to hear your voice. 

"Shit.. when she comes back.. I'll make sure she won't leave my side.. I'll do anything", Sanzu said, rubbing his face with his free hand. "You sound so hopelessly romantic.. quite unusual from you", Akashi responded, eyeing his younger brother, dragging a puff out of his cigarette. "You think I can't be romantic?", "absolutely not", Koko snorted. 

Sanzu huffed out annoyed, "shut up! As if you are!", "I'm pretty romantic! When I have a woman, I wanna spoil her with all sorts of dresses and jewelry! I wanna spoil her and give her everything she desires!", "so a prostitute with extra steps", Rindou said, a tick mark appearing on Kokos face. "What do you know?!" This time Kakucho decided to take part in the conversation, "well for starters, money isn't everything in a relationship", "yep, it's about sex and love", Ran grinned. Rindou looked at him, "a prostitute in a relationship, got it" 

Ran looked at him, ready to beat him when Kakucho interrupted, "Rindous right. You all are describing a fling with extra steps. Having a woman, is more than money and sex. It's about listening, Mutual support, comfort, warmth-", "sappy", Sanzu said, rolling his eyes. 

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