༒ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 118༒

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Your eyes felt heavy. 

Your limps felt numb. 

That was definitely not how heaven felt, that was for sure. 

"my beautiful darling..", you heard someone mutter beside you. Felt his fingers gracing your forehead, probably brushing your hair away from your face as he watched you or more like, watched over you. 

Now you were sure.. You were not dead.. at least not yet. 

Admitting to yourself that you were one lucky motherfucker. 

Trying to move your fingers to really make sure that you were alive, trying to feel the bedsheets underneath your fingertips. You felt a rush of air beside you, the person jumping up from the position he was sitting on, almost stumbling over the chair he was sitting. "Doctor! She's moving! She's moving!", you heard him yell and in just a few second, you heard several voices around you. 

Hands working on you, injecting stuff you wouldn't even be able to name, checking your temperature and your blood pressure. 

Everything and nothing. 

Until all those noises went away, the door closing behind them.

You still weren't able to open your eyes, so you opted just to let them stay closed, falling into another slumber. 

A hand was tightly gripping yours, the feeling of warmth overcoming you in an instant but it wasn't the type of warmth you felt content with. Not the comforting warmth you knew. 

It was... different. 

Your mouth was overly dry, making it difficult for you to even say something as you really wanted to ask who it was beside you and how your status was as you didn't feel any pain. 

You felt numb. 

"Everything will be fine! I'll make sure of it.. Just stay strong and hold on for me!", the person beside you said as you felt him kiss your hand. You tried once more to wriggle your fingers, successfully managing to wriggle one. You heard him let out a happy sigh. Happy about your little achievement. 

He caressed your hand, leaving another kiss on it as saying, 'good job'. 

Though when he started to talk, you drifted completely out of it once more, feeling sleepiness take over your body once more. But were you really surprised? 

"Her vital organs look good so far, she's healing slowly and steadily", you heard the doctor say. 

It was two days or maybe three already you've been in the hospital or rather, the makeshift hospital. At least thats what you assumed you were at. 

Remembering the last time you almost died in the car crash, lying in the makeshift hospital room that Bonten had. 

The guy kept telling you the dates, talking about stuff you barely understood as your mind was too muddled. Hence you didn't even remember if it has been two or three days.. heck, maybe it was already four. Yet you still couldn't open your eyes, at least when you tried, your eyes felt heavy everything around you pitch black or maybe you were just in a coma but you didn't know about that.. 

Who the fuck knows at this point. 

All you knew is that your body still felt heavy, the numbness subduing slowly though. Which made you at least a bit happy. 

"The stitching also looks good so far, we'll take a look at it in a few more days. Maybe we'll be able to remove it soon. So far it also looks like she didn't take any psychical damage. She's responding well to you talking to her", "she's doing her best. She's strong, she always was..I'm quite positive that she will be alright", "That's the spirit! We'll check on her later again, have a good day", "Thank you!"

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