༒ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 53༒

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A ringing in your ears and white was all you could see and decipher.

Trying to move your limps without being able to see was terrifying but you tried nonetheless. Shuffling and fidgeting around you fell down or more like rolled down from somewhere higher. Crawling slowly weakly towards somewhere, your hand hit a wall, taking that as a support you pressed yourself against it to help yourself stand up. 

Your legs shaky and weak as you tried to open your eyes once more but everything was too blurry. 

You kept a hand on the wall for support, as you felt around with the other, shuffling towards what you barely could make out as a door.

Opening it, you stumbled towards what you could make out as a hallway. Your body felt numb as you made your way down the hall, leaning both your hands against the wall, taking it as a guide. It felt like a vivid dream, as if your body wasn't your own. Walking by its own will, while your mind and soul were still resting somewhere. 

Seeing something bright at the end of the hallway you stumbled towards it, occasionally leaning against the wall as you almost fell down over and over again. 

Head pounding, breathing rigid as you thought that you finally reached heaven. 


Was that the end? 

Stumbling through the open door you almost hit the floor if it wasn't for a pair of arms wrapping themselves instantly around you. You heard more ringing, voices that kept only ringing and ringing in your ears as you lost consciousness once more, not hearing that they were calling out for you. 

Not hearing their concern and panic as you went limp in his arms. 

Opening your eyes, you were met with a white ceiling. Your eyes stinging as it was too bright, a headache forming in your head due to this. 

"You're awake", your gaze shifted towards the scarred man next to you, his fingers caressing your head, "Ka..ku..cho", you mumbled, your mouth dry. "Here", he helped you sit slightly up to drink some water as you gratefully took it. 

"You scared us all when you suddenly stumbled into Sanzus Hospital Room.. Luckily I caught you before you hit the floor", he sighed. Helping you to lie comfortably down again. He rubbed his forehead, looking down, "Jesus, please don't scare us like this again.. You should've stayed in your bed and yet you stumbled disoriented through the hallways. What were you thinking?", he scolded. 

You shook your head, looking down at your fingers, "nothing..", you mumbled. 

You heard him sigh once more before he asked, "does anything hurt?", you shook your head once more, "good. If anything starts to hurt, take the painkillers. You luckily didn't got major injuries. Your legs and rips were bruised but luckily not fractured but you do have to take some things slow until you're fully healed", "how's Sanzu?", you asked him.

"He's fine. His arm is just broken from protecting you but all in all just like you, a few bruises here and there. You two were really lucky, jeez", "the girls dead?", "yeah..", he looked at your expression but you just stared ahead, "okay." 

It was silent for a few second when he decided to continue, "ehm.. we figured out who did it. It was a planned accident. It was the guys we made the deal with and who.. obviously kidnapped you-", "sorry." 

Kakucho looked at you in surprise when you apologized, not getting what you meant, your expressionless face making him even nervous to a point. "What.. what do you mean?", "sorry that I fucked up the deal. If it wasn't for me, nothing of this would've happened and you would still be on good terms with them. I apologize", "I don't understand", "I apologize for the blown up deal", "Are you dumb?", "apparently..", you mumbled. 

"The deal was already cut off the moment they even thought about laying a finger on you, (Y/N)! Why are you apologizing?", "why do you even bother..", you mumbled, your eyes stinging as you felt the tears gather in them, "Because I- we Care for you! What do you mean, why do we even bother? What type of question-", "Don't pretend to care when you left me! Don't pretend to care when you all just wanted to kill me in the first place! Don' fucking pretend to care.. Don't.. just.. don't..", you snapped before a sob escaped your lips. 

Your voice getting smaller and smaller at the end.

Kakucho felt his heart sink when he saw you breaking down in front of him. He didn't know you felt that way. 

So after all this time.. you still didn't trust them, huh.. 

He sat down on the hospital bed next to you, scooping you carefully into his arms as he pressed his lips against your forehead, cradling you. You just sobbed into his chest as he kept his arms securely around you, whispering sweet nothings and reassuring words into your ear. 

It felt like the world came to a halt between you two. 

The only thing you could hear was his heart beat, his words and your own sobs as you cried your eyes out until you didn't feel anything anymore. "believe me... believe me when I tell you that I'm glad that you're alive", he whispered at last before cupping your jawline and tilting your head upwards. 

His eyes locked with your puffy ones, starring right through you as you whimpered, trying to stabilize your breathing. 

Without a second thought he connected your lips, pouring his feelings into it, silently confessing to you. Eyes widening, you were frozen when he tilted your head to the side, deepening the kiss. That very moment every single thought, every single feeling flew out of the window as you closed your eyes and kissed him back. 

You parted your lips from each other when he leaned his head against your forehead, "please, don't leave me..", he muttered, feeling his lips move as his were just right above your lips.

"If I would die toady.. Would you be mad? Or would you be sad for me?", you asked as he closed his eyes, "Sad.. cause I would loose something I love..."

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