༒ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 12༒

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Akashi sat silently in the car with the others. The weight of what he had said, settling in. The atmosphere tense.

While you, on the other hand, was still at your apartment. Looking at yourself in the mirror to check if your outfit was considered 'death' appropriate. You had already finished your hair and make up, when Akashi said that he'll be back in a minute. Leaving your apartment and you. 

Well, let's just say it was definitely more than a minute now. Your mind drifting to the possibility of them having left. Which was obviously wishful thinking but still kinda hoping that you had annoyed them so much to the point of thinking, 'it's not worth it'! Though to your unbeknownst, that wasn't the case. Cause as soon as Akashi came down and opened the door of the car, settling himself down on the passenger seat. The first words that he uttered were, "I can't kill her. I want her to live"

Since then, there has been this rather awkward silence. Rindou and Kakucho looking at him as if he had just lost his goddamn mind. Ran, unsurprisingly, kept his normal straight face. 

"What do you mean by that? And why the fuck would you leave her alone in her apartment!?", Kakucho snapped, "what has gotten into you?!"

Akashi felt bad, if he was being honest. Admiring the way you handled your situation head on with a strong mind. He almost saw himself in you, again. The way he was once in a tight spot, feeling lost and defeated. Though he, back then, had friends and family that picked him up again. You had been all alone.

And now? You were just a normal girl, working at a clothing store. Wanting nothing more than a normal life after a, seemingly, traumatic and lost past. Getting dragged into this mess wasn't part of it. 

His mind drifting back to your words. They way you were patiently waiting for your end, as you knew it was coming either way. It seemed like you had given up after getting up again. 

And why? Just because certain people couldn't keep it in their pants. 

"You're getting soft, I fucking knew it", Rindou snapped, annoyed by the older man. Though admittedly, he wasn't getting soft. He just couldn't bare seeing a girl like you, dying for no particular reason and giving up.

"Aren't we dragging this out too long now?", Akashi suddenly asked. 

Rindou looking at him annoyed, "fuck you mean?", "we came here for a meeting with another underground mafia. The deal isn't done yet and unclear and we're wasting time for a girl that isn't even beneficial in any way", Akashi simply pointed out.

He was right and everyone knew that. He wasn't an advisor for nothing.

It was silent for a short minute before Kakucho muttered out a subtle, "fuck", running his hand through his hair before he got out of your car. Slamming the door shut and almost stomping towards your apartment complex, gritting his teeth in distress and anger.

You on the other hand was satisfied with your outfit. Wearing a white tight cropped shirt with an oversized striped blazer over it and a matching short skirt, you had some mismatched knee stocking on and a pleather beret with white boots.

"That would be a hella cute ghost outfit-", flinching at the sudden aggressive knocking at your door. 

 With wide eyes, you quickly shuffled towards the door. As soon as you had opened it, Kakucho almost busted the door open before standing in front of you, his words getting instantly caught in his throat as he admired how pretty you looked. You both stared at each other for a solid minute, in silence before you cleared your throat and hesitantly answered, "ehm.. I'm done?", which came out more as a question than an answer. 

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