༒ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 89༒

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When you woke up from your little slumber, you didn't thought that you would find yourself snuggled into Akashis neck, sitting in his lap as he typed away on his laptop. 

Your arms lazily wrapped around his torso as his arms were caging you in.

Shifting a bit you looked up at him, "slept good?", he asked, a teasing tone lacing his voice. "No", you shortly replied, not wanting to give him the satisfaction, though Akashi saw right through you. Teasing you further, "you drooling over my suit, says something else", "Omg, I did not?!", instantly straightening up. You checked his shoulder and lightly hit him when there was nothing a chuckle escaping his lip.

 "I'm almost done with work! Are you perhaps hungry?", "a little, yeah", "alright, I'll finish and then we can go get something to eat." Nodding your head, you leaned yourself down and snuggled back into his neck before your eyes widened. Thinking of what lead exactly to that moment you two shared just a while ago. 

"Akashi", "hm?", sitting up straight, you cupped his cheeks and made him look at you. "Why were you ignoring me? Why were you so distant and angry?", you only received a sigh as a response, removing your hands from his face he resumed back to work, "not now." 

For some reason, it hurt. His unwillingness to tell you something major,  seeing the change on his face. It hurt. 

With a click of your tongue, you shoved his arm away and stood up. He looked at you in surprise, not expecting such a sudden reaction and change of behavior. "(Y/n)?", instead of an answer, he received silence, watching how you walked towards the door. He was about to say something else but wasn't even able to as you interrupted him with a, "shut the fuck up, since you don't wanna talk anyway might as well", before opening the door and walking out, smashing it close behind you.

Leaving him sitting alone in his office chair.

"What got you all riled up like that?", Mochi chuckled. He wanted to get himself some coffee at the HQ Kitchen, when he saw you sitting there, absolutely mad with your jaw clenched. 

"Akashis being a bitch, that's what got me riled up", "oh? What did he do?", he asked as he was making himself some coffee before settling down next to you on the barstool.

"He has been ignoring me. He barely talked to me for the past few weeks. And every time I ask him he either dismisses me or just straight up ignores me. It's annoying. I feel like I did something and he won't tell me!", "well, he probably has his reasons. Don't worry!" 

You just pouted a bit at Mochis words before you leaned your head against his shoulder, "do you know a reason perhaps?" 

Mochi lifted his hand, wrapping his arm around your shoulders and patting your head, "I'm currently not your caretaker. Let's just say that Akashi definitely should be the one to tell you", you sat up, "huh? So you Do now what's going on with Akashi" , "he's mad but not at you, just in general", "then tell me why?!", "not my place", Mochi answered. This made you a lot more frustrated than it had to be. "Annoying", you grumbled under your breath before standing up and leaving Mochi, who could only sigh apologetic.

Making your way towards the living room area of the HQ, you almost wanted to turn around again. "Oh, hey doll!", Ran smiled, noticing your presence. Seeing Koko and Rindou next to Ran, you really felt awkward. You didn't know how you should act or talk in front of them. Being extremely cautious as you recalled all the stuff Madame Rouge had told you. 

Giving Ran a nod of acknowledgment, you turned around, ready to leave when his voice stopped you, "haven't seen you in weeks, doll! Come sit with us!", "i rather not!", you politely declined. "Not feeling well?", Ran asked, pretending to be obvious. 

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