༒ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 61༒

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Awkward. That's how you felt. 

Hella awkward as you gazed at the man in front of you. Kazuya Mimori, was his name. Something that felt all too familiar to you, yet you still couldn't pin point where you had heard the name before. 

Sanzu had never mentioned the name of the boss and leader of Mogambo. 

Yet you felt like, you should know or should've known the man in front of you, for some reason.

He had invited you out for dinner and despite wanting to refuse, you played along. Fearing that if you were to speak against him, it would not only end up with you dead but the others too. Playing along to keep the others safe, that was your plan for now as you still tried to figure out who he exactly was. 

"You should get the Roasted Chicken with Asiago Polenta and Truffled Mushrooms", he suggested,  eyeing you as you were looking through the menu of the overly expensive restaurant. 

You felt his eyes on you. Looking up to meet his gaze, you softly shook your head and mumbled, "I... I don't like mushrooms", he let out a laugh at that, his hand inching towards yours as he laid his on top of yours. "you still didn't change at all..", he mumbled to himself with a soft smile, something you hadn't caught on, "huh?", "I said, Don't worry! I'll pick the mushrooms out for you and then you can eat the rest", giving you a charming smile. 

You felt your cheeks heating up, stunned that he was willing to do something like this. 

"Ehm... thank you?", "don't mention it!", "but still...", "hm?", "why are you treating me like that?", he paused for a second, looking at you when you caught a glimpse of sadness pooling in his eyes. Confusion covering your face... 

did you say something wrong? 

He sighed, interrupting your train of thoughts, "I can't exactly blame you.. it's been what? 14 years?", "huh? What are you talking about?", "You don't remember? You were 10 and I was 14", he suddenly reminisced, your mind going blank. 

10???? 14???? 

An amused smile played on his lips as he watched your face scrunch up in thought, looking up at the ceiling. He gave you a few seconds, anticipating if you would remember him or not but when he saw your mouth turn to a frown, his heart dropped a bit. 

"I.. I still don't know what you mean or what you're talking about..", "you really don't remember..  did you really forgot my name and our memories so easily?", he said, a bit disappointed at your lack of memories. You shook your head, "I really don't remember you.. to be fair I had a lot of stuff going on in my life. So bare with me, i guess..."

"Can't blame you.. I heard what happened", he mumbled, making you frown as you couldn't understand him again. 

"Okay.. enough! Either you talk louder.. or.. whatever. Just tell me what the fuck do you want?!", "I want you to remember me!", "I can't.. I feel like you're fucking with me." He looked at you, studying your face for a moment before he smiled once more, "do you remember.. mimi?"

You sat there for a minute, looking at his face. Everything felt too familiar. His name, his smile.. mimi.. 


Your lips turned into an 'oh' shape, Kazuya feeling his heart lighten. "mimi...", you softly mumbled out. The flashbacks of your cute neighborhood friend hitting you all at once. 

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