༒ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 70༒

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Koko watched you as you laid sprawled out on his couch in the new lingerie set he had gotten you as a surprise. 

He was seated opposite of you on a lounge chair while you occupied the entire couch to yourself.

Your arm was currently thrown over your eyes as you were rather frustrated. Both of you had gotten home from dinner, your belly was full and you were pretty tired.. wanting nothing more than to lay down and sleep but Koko insisted on you 'modeling' the new items, you got, for him. Including his surprise deal. 

Now here you were, lying on the couch. 

It wasn't like you didn't like what he had gotten you. It was just the way it was absolutely not your style nor your color.

It was a cute playful set, a pastel yellow set with white flowers embroidered and lace. Now if you were the type to be all cutesy and childish, eh... *cough cough*, if you were the type to be all cutesy cute cute and would wear regularly pastel pinks and yellow with flowers and glitter, you might've liked it. 

But you were a grown woman with a different taste.

Your favorite lingerie color was simply black with lace, occasionally going for dark colors like burgundy but that was the most color you had. Unless you wore something white, you always had dark lingerie. 

It made you wonder once more, was that supposed to be for someone else or did he truly just thought it would look good on you? You couldn't bother. Really, you couldn't. You were the entire day in a tense state. It didn't make it better. Not one bit.

"Koko..", you mumbled as he sighed out, muttering, "I'm sorry", before you heard him get up and walk towards you. You felt the couch dip a bit near your waist, as you shifted your arm away from your face, locking eyes with him. Sitting slightly up, you reached your hand out towards his face, cupping it, giving him a small smile, "I know you just meant well but you gotta understand that I have a different preferred style than you." 

Though he only shook his head, guilt creeping up on him as he stared at your kind eyes. He knew exactly why he had picked this set out. 

It would've suited her personality and her look.. 

Another sigh and shake of his head, he turned his gaze towards a corner in the room. Trying to remind himself over and over that you are not her. 

He felt weird in a sense, he saw you as an individual. He saw you as, well, you.. but occasionally his mind would drift towards a certain sunflower blonde girl that he has lost years ago. He knew that the other executives noticed how his taste in women always reduced themselves to the same look, shoulder long blonde hair, emerald eyes and a sorta soft expression on their face. Telling them to always smile. But no one questioned it as they all have their little fetishes and weird dark secret that no one knew off.

He didn't want to compare you to her, after all you did caught his attention because you were so different. 

But after spending so much time with you and getting to know you a bit better than before, he couldn't stop himself and started to look for parallels. The way you always so prettily and genuinely smiled. The way you always cheekily responded to him and the others. The way your eyes lit up at things you liked. The longer your hair got, the more he saw her in you and it pissed him off. 

He got even more pissed at himself, as you were lying there, a comforting hand on his cheek as you told him it's alright that he got you something that isn't your taste because all he could think about when buying that was her face. 

A light yellow flower lace set that would've looked stunning with her sunflower hair. 

It hurt him to know that he disappointed you. He didn't want to hurt you, he didn't want to disappoint you. All he wanted was to show you that he cared just as much for you as Kakucho, seemingly, cared for you. 

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