🔞༒ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 78༒🔞

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//TW:// slightly suggestive theme🔞//

Several days had past since the meeting with Madame Rouge. Since then you have been clinging onto Kakucho like a koala, not that he minded but he did found it odd. Especially since you haven't talked since then. 

You followed him like a lost puppy everywhere, the only time he was truly alone was when he went to the toilet. You went to work with him. Lying on the couch in his office. Slept in one bed, cuddling up to him not even giving him the chance to Not hold you. Showered together, ate together, sat together. 

He wanted to ask what was wrong but whenever he saw your distressed look when he 'disappeared' for a short second, he opted to stay silent. 

Not wanting to hurt your feelings. 

If you needed the comfort and closure, he might as well give it to you. Though he was close to getting mad again at the others when he saw how you avoided them. The only person you were really letting talk to you, beside him, was Mochi. 

He wanted to confront Koko and Ran, ask them what they did and in Rans case, ask what he did again, to make you physically avoid them. 

He wondered what even Akashi and Mikey did, as you refused to see Mikey and refused to talk to Akashi. You were lucky enough though, that Mikey didn't force you to meet him, cause he knew it could end differently if Mikey wanted to. 

He was gradually confused though when Mikey just simply mumbled, "perfect. Just like planned." 

Kakucho decided not to ask further though, his mind and gut telling him to better stay out of it and give you the attention and comfort you currently need. 

Currently, Kakucho was sitting on his desk with you in his lap, typing away on his laptop as you were nuzzling your nose against his neck. "You're quite the distraction today.. usually you're sleeping on the couch..", he said, focus still on his laptop as you shrugged your shoulders. He sighed, he didn't expect an answer anyway as you still haven't talked but he didn't loose his hope. 

One day you would be back on your feet, rambling on about what you did throughout the day. Soon, he was sure of it. 

You continued to nuzzle your face against his neck, peppering light butterfly kisses on his neck, a low moan escaping his lips, "(y/n), please... not now.."

You were really distracting today, making it a lot harder for him to properly work. He had to finish though, he couldn't just take a break now. Mikey would get mad and on top of that Akashi and Koko would talk his ear off if he couldn't finish his work today. 

He let out a gasp when you bit into his neck. Sucking a hickey onto it. There wasn't really a reason for it, you just felt like doing it. 

"(y/n)! Stop now! I have to finish this! I'll take care of you later. What is with you lately anyway", he mumbled the last part rather annoyed. He really didn't mind but you were literally interfering with his work. His mind drifting towards Mikey. Despite not wanting to be so harsh to you, he felt you were acting like a childish brat. And what do you do with kids? You discipline them. 

"If you don't stop... I'll bring you without another word to Mikey.. got it?!", he said with a stern voice, making you flinch slightly. 

Shaking your head while hugging him tighter, he let out a sigh. 

You were quite the handful at the moment. He just wished you would get your mind straight again. This was getting too much for him. 

He sighed, "why won't you talk? So far you never had a problem telling me what was wrong... you don't trust me anymore?" And if the situation wasn't bad from the beginning, he just felt it get worse as you shook your head. The trust, he thought he had build up with you, was gone. "Why? I thought we were close.. no?", he felt you shift, moving your head away from his shoulder and neck before locking eyes with you. 

He felt like that was the first time in a while, since you had actually looked at him. Seeing now the dull, sad eyes and the evident dark circles under your eyes. 

"How long..", you mumbled so low, it would've been impossible to hear if his office wasn't silent.

Surprising him, as it was the first time you spoke in a while. "How long... what?", he asked carefully, his arms lazily wrapped around your hips as he adjusted his seating. It did feel like he was talking to a child but he tried his best to be patient and soft with you, not wanting to disturb you further as you already seemed. 

"How long until... until you're bored with me?", he frowned, "what do you mean?", "you're gonna throw me away... when you're bored with me... am I getting boring?" 

Tears started to well in your eyes, Kakucho on the other hand was completely loss at words.

He immediately cupped your cheeks, "(y/n), no. No no no! Who told you such nonsense? Was it Ran? Koko? Akashi? Is that why you aren't talking to them? (Y/n), believe me and trust me when i say that I wouldn't let anyone do that to you!", "why... why are you lying.." 

Kakucho was panicking. You didn't believe him and he had to admit. That hurt like a Bitch. He knew he shouldn't have left you with Koko.. damn it... 

"(Y/n) believe me.. please? I don't know what to do, to make you believe me! Tell me and I'll do it!" 

You stayed silent, your eyes casting downwards as you played with your fingers. Kakuchos wrapped his arms tighter around you, his thumbs stroking your back in a comforting manner, searching your eyes as he tried to make you look at him. 

Hesitantly you whimpered out, as you saw the tears falling onto your hands, "I wanna go home..", "as soon as I'm done we're gonna drive immediately home-", "no... no kakucho... my home... I miss my home...I miss my friend... I miss Nami.... I... I miss my mom... my dad..", you said, sobbing out. 

Kakucho felt his own tears well up in his eyes. 

Sometimes he wished he was more like the others.. less emotional and more cold but he wasn't like this. He never was. Not even when Izana was next to him. Kakucho was always more Human than all the others. He understood you, he understood exactly where you were coming from but he couldn't. 

He couldn't bring himself to let you go. 

Even if he could... he hated to admit it but he needed your company. He got used to you being around and playing around with him, distracting him from his cruel blood thirsty job, with the way you didn't take life serious. 

You showed him the other side of life and he didn't want to miss it. 

No... more like, he never wanted to lose it. 

"I... I can't do that... even if I could.. I.. I wouldn't be able to let you go", he confessed. Looking  up at him it was his turn to look down now. He was carefully choosing his next words, his mind and heart screaming to 'let it all out', 'say what needs to be said'. 

With a deep breath, he cupped your cheeks once more, "I wouldn't be able to let you go... because... it's because I did something I shouldn't have done.. 

I fell in love with you...

(y/n) (l/n), I love you!"


Authors note


I know someone will shit on the fact that I described her as a kid in this chapter!

I'm gonna explain it, from a mental/psychological aspect. She lost her parents at a young age but still experienced motherly love before she lost them. A child that had to grow up too fast and dealt with quite a lot of things (getting into trouble), has moments in adulthood that throw her mentally back into a child like state of mind when she's mentally drained. She's emotionally unstable and doesn't know what to do or who to go to. Making her either push someone away or cling onto someone for comfort.

Also, I'm not trying to sexualize child behavior! I just wanted to throw in some low spiceiness and kinda show how depended and needy of attention and love she currently is.
I hope y'all understand!

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