༒ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 129༒

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The car ride was insanely long, something you hadn't realized the first time as you and Baipā talked about everything and anything throughout it. Now since there was only silence, it was oppressive.

A heavy silence that made you more and more nervous the closer you got to your destination.

You decided to swallow down the nervous feeling, asking something that had been on your mind the entire time, since their arrival. 

"How did you find me?", the question cutting through the thick tense air. 

"We asked around", Ran simply replied. "From asking around you won't find my exact location...", you mumbled, a tick mark appearing on Rans forehead, "do you have any idea how long we are looking for you already?", "how should I know?", you retorted back making him sigh, rubbing his forehead as he kept steadily driving. 

"We have been looking for you for a good day now. We went to any possible places you could be staying alone. It was a coincidence, really. We went to a hotel and asked for your name but also described your looks, since you may have used a fake name.. due to the description a couple told us that they saw you in their grandparents village just a day ago." 

It made you truly wonder... why life was doing this to you. 

Why the universe decided to help them get to you in such a subtle yet obvious way. 

All you could do was nod, an little, "oh", making it past your lips when you averted your attention back to the car window next to you. Looking outside as you saw the city lights. 

You were back.. 

Back in Tokyo..

Back in hell..

Ran had parked the car and with a heavy dreadful heart you got out. Not ready to face the others. Afraid of their reactions. 

This might be the last time you were gonna see the sky. 

The last time you saw the moon. 

The last time you saw Mr. Irahaga and his beautiful wife's garden. 

Rindou interrupted your thoughts by planting his hand on the small of your back. Rubbing his thumb up and down as he pulled you slightly closer to himself. Koko on the other side, his fingers tracing yours before he grabbed your hand, his thumb softly gliding over the back of your hand. 

A silent comfort from both. 

A silent oath, 'we'll be here with you'. 

But after all what had happened, nothing seemed to reassure you anymore. The comfort you once felt..


Walking through the hallways of HQ felt unfamiliar. Unfamiliar to the point it didn't ease your mind and made you even more anxious. 

As soon as you walked past the door into a rather big meeting room, you saw Haruka who was talking to Kakucho, when both men turned around. 

Haruka instantly went up to you, engulfing you in a hug, "God, Thank god you're alive! Fuck, I missed you!", he said. His arms around your head to press you further to himself. Ran, Rindou and Koko ignoring the, to them, obvious act as they walked towards Kakucho who's eyes lit up when he saw you. 

You hugged Haruka back, whispering an apology to him. 

Whispering back to you, "just survive today, we'll talk about the rest later", giving you a last squeeze before letting go. 

The others already sat themselves down around the table, partially waiting for the arrival of the rest. Kakucho kept eyeing you as Haruka kept his hands on your face, squeezing your cheeks.

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