༒ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 38༒

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"What a gorgeous little Dollface .. tell me love, where are you going?♡︎", the tall man asked. 

You were still pressed against his chest when you noticed his arm wrapped around you. "Ehm... I.. eh, was heading to the restroom, Mister..?", you replied almost asking him in a way for his name, clearing you throat in the process. 

"You can call me-", "Hanma, long time no see", Ran suddenly appeared, a lazy grin on his face while his eyes wandered towards the arm wrapped around you. 

"Oh Ran, how have you been?", Hanma grinned, "great, I was wondering where my little one went", "your little one? Don't tell me this gorgeous little thing is yours."

You were looking between the two men, noticing the subtle glare Ran was throwing towards Hanma. "I... ehm.. excuse me? I still need to... need to go to the restroom", you interrupted, trying to get out of the situation.

"Oh, of course gorgeous!♡︎", Hanma grinned down at you. Removing his hands from you. 

You felt his fingertips linger on your waist for a second, tracing them, the feeling giving you goosebumps, making your heart skip a little beat. He was alluring in the same sense like Ran. You had to be careful. 

Bowing a little you scurried away to the restroom, away from the tension that was occurring between the two tall men.

"Can't believe you got your hands on a foreign chick", Hanma giggled, "a prostitute? Not that she really looks like one", making Ran scoff, "no, she's a mere sales assistant, nothing more", "Oh? I genuinely thought you're gonna be one of those guys that will have a prostitute as a wife one day and not an Angel face like her", Hanma laughed. 

"Still a jokester I see", Ran lazily replied before making his way towards the restroom where you went, "oh btw, Hanma", he suddenly said, turning his head to face Hanma before continuing, "hands off or I'll kill you!", with that Ran left Hanma standing there making the man chuckle almost excitingly. 

"Interesting♡︎", was all he mumbled before pulling his phone out, making his way out of the restaurant.

You washed your hands, letting cold water run over your wrists to calm your nerves down. A knock on the door, made your head turn towards the door with confusion when it opened up, revealing Ran. 

"Not again-", "how are you?", he interrupted, walking towards you. 

He grabbed your face, cupping your cheeks in between his hands, examining you. You were a little taken aback when you nodded your head, "I'm fine", "he didn't do anything to you?", "no", "good, stay away from him", Ran shortly replied, making you frown. 

You haven't really seen him this serious before. He always had a rather relaxed or lazy smile on his face but this time he had a stoic look on his face, his eyes fixated on you, making you feel a little intimidated and a little nervous. "A-alright...", you gulped. 

Ran sighed, letting your cheeks go and turning back towards the door, "you done? The foods gonna get cold", he replied before leaving you alone in the restroom again. 

You looked down at your hands, seeing that you were trembling without you having even noticed before. Sighing you just counted the days now, when you were gonna loose it and break down... you were strong but you also had your limits and you were reaching them, sooner than you wanted. 

With another look into the mirror, you fixed your beret and some strands of hair before making your way back to your table. 

The others patiently waiting for your return. 

You apologized for the wait and settled back down in between Kakucho and Ran. Silently digging into your food. In a way happy that no one continued to pester you with questions nor asked what was up with you.

After a while of you eating silently your food while listening to the conversations of the others you were all finished and it didn't take any of you too long to find yourselves in a shopping mall.

This time though, you were walking with your hands tugged into your pockets, your handbag dangling from your wrist as you were looking down at your feet, aimlessly walking ahead, not caring if you bump into someone or no one. 

Rindou suddenly grabbed your arm, harshly, pulling you towards his side. 

You looked up at him, seeing an annoyed frown on his face, "fucking watch where you're going", he snapped. Ran instantly put a hand on Rindous shoulder, a lazy smile gracing his lips, "don't be too harsh on her, Rindou. Don't like where's she's walking? Put a leash on her", he chuckled, before returning to Akashi, continuing their previous conversation. 

Rindou mumbled under his breath, before almost dragging you with him, his grip on your arm tightening. "I... I can walk alone", you replied, showing a little attitude making him raise a brow at you when he abruptly halted, "apparently you can't if you keep on staring at the fucking floor", "that's not your problem is it?"

"it is my problem if you keep gaining everyone's attention around us like this, walking like a mental person for fucks sake... you're already gaining enough attention with your looks", he mumbled the last part but you obviously caught it. 

"Never thought you would low key call me pretty..", you replied, looking away. "Shut up", was all he said before continuing to drag you with him. "Gosh, you don't have to drag me like this, I wanna go to that store. Slow down", you rambled, trying to pull against him. He halted once more and sighed out annoyed, rubbing his temple. "Which one?", "that one!", you pointed towards a shoe store. Without uttering another word he walked with you towards it, the others not even noticing that you two practically disappeared from them.

He let go of your arm as soon as you two entered. 

Instantly looking through all the pretty shoes they had, you took a hold of a pair of boots, while he sat himself comfortably on a couch close by. 

You walked up to him with the shoes in your hand, sitting down next to him and trying them on while he took out his phone, texting Ran that you two were at the shoe store before playing around on his phone. 

Standing up you went to the mirror close by, turning to Rindou, "what do you say?", without looking at you he waved his hand, "yeah yeah." 

You rolled your eyes, walking up to him standing right in front of him and cleared your throat. 

"Can you at least pretend to pay attention?"

He raised his eyebrow at you when he looked up, "who do you think you're talking to?", "Rindou Haitani from Bonten, the douchebag of the douchebags", you replied, staring down at him. "Watch your fucking mouth", "or what?.. ", before he could reply though, you bend down to his eye level, "... you gonna punish me for misbehaving?", you slightly mocked, tilting your head. 

His eyes were locked with yours, the atmosphere in between you two was tense. 

"I still don't understand why they didn't just fucking kill you when they had the chance to or what the fuck Mikeys plans are with you. But I'm Not Sanzu, Kakucho or Ran to crawl into your fucking asshole, got it-", "I know you're not them. As I said, you're Rindou Haitani, a fucking douche-", suddenly he held you by your jaw. 

A tight grip, forcing you even closer as you now stumbled over from your bend form, sitting somehow awkwardly down on his lap, "what am I?" 

His eyes were staring down at yours, a challenging look in them, daring you to repeat yourself again. "What. Am. I?", "a Bonten executive", "who am I?", you gulped, clearing your throat, "Rindou Haitani", "what am I?", taking a deep breath, you exhaled and replied again, "a Bonten executive", "who am I?", "Rindou Haitani", you mumbled. 

His grip tightened, "I didn't fucking hear you!", his voice low and threatening. "Rindou Haitani", you replied firmer. 

"You better fucking remember this! Talk back one more time and we both know how this will end." 

With a skip of your heartbeat and the last ounce of 'not giving a fuck' you asked in a low voice, "with me under you?"

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