🔞༒ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 66༒🔞

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//TW: Mature Content/ non verbal consent/ non consensual video taping🔞//

Furious, that's what he was. Furious and pissed off. 

The moment Kazuya caught you in his hands, a smoke bomb went off. He wanted to bring you to a safe place but of course Bonten had other plans. 

He balled his fists, slamming it down on the table in front of him, making the men in the room flinch. 

He had his other arm propped on the table, his hand supporting his chin, hiding his mouth in thought. His legs were crossed over another, the foot that was hanging in the air, bouncing and shaking. Impatient, pissed off and furious. 

"Damn fucking Bonten..", he muttered under his breath before letting out a sigh. Rubbing his temple, he felt a headache slowly creeping up as he was getting more and more frustrated. In a spawn of less than 24 hours he had managed to get a hold of you and lose you again. 

His fingertips tingling as he recalled the way your skin felt underneath his fingertips. The way you laughed when he spun you two around in the warm rain, a beautiful melody that he could listen to each and everyday. 

He had missed you so much. After all those years he was still as always... late. You were always so close in his grasp yet too far to actually hold. To keep. He would be damned if this time he was gonna lose you again. 

His right hand man stood next to him, eyeing his boss as he asked something that nobody in the room dared to address. 

"What are you gonna do when you get her back?"

Without missing a heartbeat, Kazuya smiled, "go back home with her..", "b-but what about the gang, sir?!", a subordinate suddenly yelled in panic. Kazuya looked at his right hand man, "he'll take my position! He has been with me for a long time and knows how everything is run around here. I'll trust him and I wish for you to trust him as much as I do!", "so you really gonna go back with her?", "yeah", Kazuya sighed, letting his head fall back on the chair he was sitting on. 

"She's my peace and heaven. I wish she could see herself through my eyes as she is the most precious thing I have left in my life. I did horrible things yet she has no judgment to offer but only warmth... she was always like that and I'm glad that didn't change over the years." 

He straightened himself up again, "this might be my last order so listen carefully! Find her and bring her back! Also, find out who Nat is! I want any information you can get about him! Obtain anything you can get. Go!", "Yes, Sir!"

"Please... stop...s'too much", you whined. 

"Ssh, ssh... I know you can handle it, love", Ran whispered from behind you into your ear as he fingered you. Your head was thrown back, lying on his shoulder as his chest was pressed against your back. 

Sanzu thrusting into you in a slow pace, teasing your insides. 

Both men stimulating you, dragging out the probably third or fourth orgasm out of you. Your legs already twitching, trying to shut close but not able to as Sanzu was in between them, peppering your chest with kisses. Your hands were gripping Rans wrists tightly, trying to pry his hands off of you but he didn't budge, unfazed with your weak attempt. Almost chuckling at your tries as he left bite marks around your neck. 

You felt out of breath, the oxygen in your lungs gone as your whole body was close to passing out from all the overstimulation. 

Face scrunched up in pain and pleasure, as tears cascade down your face as you didn't want anything more than to cum but also make them stop. It was simply too much. 

"You feel so good inside, Angel", Sanzu sighed against your chest as he felt you tighten around him. The man in front of you wanted nothing more than to ravish you and fuck your brains out but their time was, unfortunately, limited. He and Ran had to keep the time in sight as the other Bonten executives could come back any second. 

Mikey ordered each of them to go ahead and get rid of any traces. Meaning kill everyone who saw you, including people from the rival gang, obviously. Cause by the time they managed to escape, with the help of their subordinates, they knew that it would take Mogambo approximately 20 minutes to let their people out and search for you. Though Kazuya wasn't an idiot. He didn't let anyone search for you until two hours later, resulting in Ran and Sanzu being already back at the HQ as they didn't saw anyone coming for them. Giving them a false sense of security. 

Now, they were having their little fun with you as Sanzus grip on your hips tightened, chasing his high deep inside your pulsing velvety walls. Sucking his dick in as he kept pushing inside you over and over again. Never wanting to let this feeling go. You felt better as every Bitch he had before, your little cries and whimpers bringing him closer and closer to the edge. 

Rans phone vibrated in his pocket, making him momentarily stop his attacks on your neck. Though his fingers kept moving between your legs as he fished his phone out with his other hand. Looking at the message he received. "Rindou", he muttered before turning to Sanzu who threw his head back as he finished off inside of you. Letting his cum paint your walls as he felt your walls pulsing around him.

He brushed his hair back, looking at Ran, "what's up? What does Rindou need?", "Mogambo. They ambushed him and Koko. He said that they apparently were waiting to catch us off-guard"

Sanzu stood up, his pants hanging low enough for his dick to hang out of them, and lit up a cigarette, sighing, "knew they gonna pull some shit like this. He thought he could trick us, huh? Well two can play that game", Sanzu laughed. 

He looked at your figure who was desperately trying to regulate her breathing as your legs were twitching and shaking. He pulled out his phone, Ran looking at him questionable when a wide grin appeared on his face, noticing what the pink haired male wanted to do. His cum mixed with yours, was dripping down your hole staining his sheets. You looked ruined and he didn't even went all out yet. Focusing his phone towards your cunt he zoomed in, making a little video of your fucked out figure. 

You didn't even notice as your eyes were closed, desperate not to pass out. Feeling dizzy and drained, you tried to move but were unable to as your limps felt extremely heavy. 

Too shaky to stand up. 

"What a gorgeous girl with a gorgeous pussy", Sanzu said, grinning from ear to ear as he was admiring your form before putting his phone away. 

"So what now? We're gonna go find the others or are we gonna wait for orders from Mikey himself?", Ran asked. Sanzu was after all the number two of Bonten so he, next to Akashi, was the next authorized person when it came to making orders when Mikey wasn't there. It was up to him now what to do.

Sanzu thought about it, looking at you. He took you in consideration, thinking about all the possibilities and outcomes. 

Zipping his pants up and adjusting his dress shirt and vest, he disregarded the cigarette on the ashtray next to the bed on the table. "They'll probably gonna search for our hideouts first. Taking them down one by one until they figure out the place of the HQ. We can leave her here but it would be a tad bit too dangerous as we don't know how the others are gonna hold up and on top of that how fast Mogambo works. All we know is that they're getting bigger and bigger by the minute and taking down gangs, one after another. Safe to say, we're gonna get Angel out of here, bring her to a safe place. Then get in contact with the others and figure out where they are. You're gonna call for more back up, I'll talk to Boss how we should progress for the better outcome"

"we're gonna take them down before they can take us down", "and to do so we gotta get in contact with Kazuya and get his number! You know, so we can send him this little surprise", Sanzu grinned before he started laughing, "let's destroy Mogambo from the center. Let's get the heart of Mogambo and break it apart." 

Grabbing his gun he made his way out while Ran scooped you up in his arms, noticing you fell asleep, too tired to function. He made a mental note to himself, making sure that when they brought you to a safer place, he would take a few more minutes to properly clean you and dress you up. He really wanted to make things better between you two, become closer to you and to do that he had to show his best but before all that, he knew they all had to get rid of everyone around you. Starting with Kazuya.

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