༒ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 74༒

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"I'm not her.... I'm not akane...", you said as you were cupping his cheeks. 

His eyes widened as he shook his head slightly, "how... I... no... I... wait...", "Koko, it's alright!" You shushed him, hugging him all of a sudden, cradling his head. 

He was in utter shock, his mind working in overdrive as he couldn't comprehend what was happening. 

"It's alright! I understand how hard it is to let go of someone you loved so dearly! And I'm so sorry that you had to go through this. No one deserves that.. just as little as I deserve to be treated like that. I hope you understand that too"

He pushed you slightly away, holding you by your shoulders as his grip was tight. In that moment, Koko was afraid you would slip through his fingers, afraid that he would be left alone without your touch. 

Your oh so comforting touch! 

Afraid to loose the warmth that surrounded you and your eyes. 

"No, I... no no no! Please, don't leave me...", his voice cracked as tears suddenly welled in his eyes. 

"Koko-", "I don't know where you got that info from-", "you talk in your sleep.. it wasn't hard to figure out the rest...", he was stunned for a second, cursing himself out internally as he gulped and tried to gather his thoughts. 

He had to calculate his next words.

He had to fix this. 

"I swear (Y/N), I don't see her... not anymore. I see you! And only you!", "why are you lying?", "okay maybe I had a few set backs every now and then-", "Koko, stop lying to yourself and to me. You need time! You still need time because you keep holding onto her ghost. The fact that you compared me with her is a clear sign"

"no no no! I don't! I don't compare you to her! You're (Y/N)... (Y/N) (L/N). You're completely different from Akane! I swear! Please believe me when I say that I only see you and not her", he desperately said. Searching for your eyes. 

Searching for the warmth and kindness that you usually held, just to be met with pity. Pity towards him and his state. He shook his head making you sigh. 

Not sure how to go on from here as it was clearer than the day that Koko wouldn't let loose. He was stubborn, desperate and stubborn. 

"Koko, please-", "(Y/N)! Believe me! Please believe me when I'm saying I am moving on. I do not see you as her. I see you as an individual being. Let's go on a date. A real date, let me spoil you, let me show you that I only see you"

"Koko, you make it sound like we're together-", "I would love to", now it was your turn to turn wide eyed and stunned. 

"W..What are you saying? Huh?", you chuckled in disbelief. "I would love to call you mine.. I would love to be together with you. You make me feel complete..", he confessed. "I.. I don't know what to say", "You don't have to say anything. Let me just prove it to you that I care about you and not anyone else. And that I see you and not... Akane", "I don't know..", "Please.. one chance! One more chance! Only one! That's all I need!" 

Your heart and your mind screamed no! 

Protectively telling you that you shouldn't agree. After all, you're not a health care center nor a therapist. You are not a charity program. 

But the way Koko looked with his guilt written, desperate eyes at you, his hold on your shoulders so tight cause he was afraid you would leave him standing there alone, you couldn't help yourself but to nod your head, "one chance...", "That's all I need", he reassured. 

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