༒ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 37༒

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You were tired! 

You and the others had been walking around for 2 hours now on the busy streets of Harajuku and since you were quite the empath and nervous because of the amount of people, it drained your energy faster than usual. 

Tiredness seeping in. 

It also wasn't a lot of help to stay energized with the way your stomach growled. The hunger creeping in more and more the further you walked down the streets. 

Tired and hungry, bad combo. 

You stopped walking, pulling Rans hand harshly, making the man almost stumble back. He looked at you with a questioning gaze when Kakucho noticed you halted, stopping as well. Both men looking at you with a questioning gaze when they noticed you were slightly frowning, eyes tired and a slight pout on your face.

You were about to say something but let out a yawn instead before pointing down at your stomach. "Hungry?", Kakucho asked to which you simply nodded, too tired to actually say anything. 

The others also quickly noticed the absence of the two men and you, turning around to see you three standing there. 

"Did y'all forget how to walk or why are you just standing there?", Rindou said, a slightly annoyed expression on his face. He just wanted to get this day done and over with. Ran looked at his brother, a lazy grin appearing on his face, "our little doll is hungry, Rindou. We can't let our little baby starve", making Rindou roll his eyes at that, a scoff escaping his lips. 

"There's a good restaurant a few steps further, we can eat there", Akashi replied, taking out a cigarette to smoke. With that in mind you started to walk again, pulling Ran with you and just as Akashi said. A few steps further was a nice looking restaurant, not too fancy and not too cheap.

You almost practically dragged Ran inside the Restaurant, the male chuckling at your behavior before pulling you harshly back, colliding with his chest. 

"Good girls behave!", was all he said before you straightened yourself up again with a pout on your face, nodding your head and quietly following him inside.

Soon you were seated in a nice secluded area of the restaurant, a small mumble of "we're Bonten, you better get us a nice spot" with a maniac grin of Sanzu was all it took for the Waitress to give you all a secluded table, away from other prying eyes. She shortly came back when you had all settled down, handling you all the menu before bowing and leaving you be. 

You didn't take long to decide what you wanted to eat, ordering it quickly you started to patiently wait. 

The others taking the opportunity to question you. Much to your dismay.

"So (L/N), tell us a little about yourself", Sanzu grinned. You sat in between Kakucho and Ran. Koko was across from you to his left and right Sanzu and Akashi, Rindou and Mochi each one, on one end of the table. 

"There's nothing to tell. You probably already know everything..", you mumbled, playing with the glass of soda the waitress brought. Silently hoping that they would take that as an answer. 

But you knew better, they wouldn't.

"No, not really! Let's start with the languages! You know, 5, right? How come?", he asked. Ran was leaning his head against his hand, looking at you from the side, Sanzu leaning his chin against his hand almost mimicking Ran. 

"Okay.. if we do this then let's do it differently!", you suddenly said, making Sanzu raise his brow, the others looking in anticipation, "what do you-?", "question for question, answer for answer. You ask a question I answer, I ask a question you answer." Sanzu started loudly laughing, "who do you think you are? Sneaky brat. I'll kill you!", "do it", you simply shrugged making him halt. 

You held eye contact, not wavering even a split second, to tell him that you don't joke around. "Ha.. Ha.. what a stubborn one, aren't ya." 

"Question for question or shoot me. Gotta apologize to Koko though, couldn't even wear the dress out once", you mocked. Sanzu was about to say something but Ran interrupted him, "question for question, why did you learn 5 languages?", "I was bored. Why did you kidnap me?", "we were bored..", he grinned, making you scoff and turn away. 

He grabbed your chin, turning your head back towards him, his breath close to your face, "..and we deemed you to bee quite useful to us, with your little skills", "skills?", "nu-uh doll, our turn-", "how come when Sanzu drugged you, you were instantly out of it?", Kakucho suddenly asked behind you. "Huh?", you turned to him, "that time in the club. Sanzu drugged you, usually drugs don't hit that quick, you were instantly out though, meaning you either took something beforehand or you really don't do good with this stuff."

Trying to recall what he meant, you suddenly remembered that night with your friend, having a complete black out and waking up in Kakuchos hotel room. 

"Oh... ha ha... yeah", you nervously chuckled, "well.., I did took something beforehand which didn't mix well with the drugs, I guess.. I took a pill to calm down my nerves. They weren't drugs though, I never took any. It was just prescripted medicine for 'anxiety', you could say", "that makes sense, alright", "you got anxiety?", Akashi asked making you lift a finger and grin at him, "my turn.. so what do you mean with skills?"

Turning to Ran, you addressed him with the questions, who just simply chuckled, "we can use you for missions or meetings with foreigners. I think we're gonna have a good time", he grinned, a shiver running down your spine. 

You cleared your throat and looked at Akashi, ready to answer his question but he just shook his head. Looking at him with a questioning gaze he started to simply smile before asking you a question you wanted to avoid by all costs, "an assault that lead to manslaughter, labeled as self defense leading you to get anxiety, what happened exactly?", his eyes boring into yours. 

Out of all people you assumed he was gonna be the least noisy, letting you off the hook and letting you do what you wanted, it seemed like he was in some sort of way on your side.. but of course, after all he was a Bonten Executive. 

Ruthless fucks. All of them. 

"I don't wanna talk about it", you shortly replied, your eyes drifting to your hands on your glass.

"Question for question, answer for answer", he nonchalantly repeated, taking out a cigarette and lighting it as he leaned back against the chair. 

"Here's your food!", the waitress suddenly came, making you let out a small sigh of relief. "I'll bring the other things in a minute", she replied, going back to get the rest of the food that was ordered. 

Emptying your glass, you stood up, "I need to go to the restroom", "dodging the question? Answer first then you can go", Sanzu grinned while you scoffed.

"boi! I need to take a fucking piss, if you don't let me imma piss on your fucking food and the fucking table and maybe shit on it as well if I'm in a good fucking mood!", you snapped. 

You didn't notice the waitress that came back staring at you in shock from the vulgar words that sprouted out of your mouth while you... definitely didn't look like you would have such a... 'potty' mouth work. 

She cleared her throat, making you look at her while she put down the rest of the food, "enjoy!", she smiled nervously before scurrying away.

 You sighed out in annoyance before trying to get past Kakucho who was sitting next to you, happy that he didn't grab you to sit you back down.

On quick steps you rushed towards the restroom when suddenly another person bumped into you. You stumbled a bit back the person grabbing your wrist and pulling you close, chest to chest, you looked up. Met with a tall men in glasses, blonde/black short hair styled neatly, a suit adorning his lean tall body and an earring hanging from his ear, he looked nonchalantly down at you before a wide grin spread across his face.

Gold eyes locked with yours, "what a gorgeous little Dollface .. tell me love, where are you going?♡︎"

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