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Looking at the man in front of you, you deeply frowned. 

"I'm telling you! If you wanna get inside, you have to entertain me", he smugly smirked. The sunglasses, sitting on his face, absolutely unnecessary. Considering the fact that you are literally inside the club

"Okay. Listen here, dumbfuck. I'm not gonna entertain anyones ass. I was just asking you, where the fuck the club owner is cause I have a complaint to make!", "and I'm telling you once more. If you wanna get inside, entertain me firs- ah!", his words quickly cut off, as you suddenly held a knife up to his throat. 

Leaning in closer to his face, you smirked, "you want me to entertain you? I like the fucked up type of shit. You're probably too vanilla and soft for me, honey!"

You saw him visibly gulp in discomfort. Clearing his throat, he took a slight step back, opening the door for you and letting you silently in. 

Walking past him, you barely managed to contain your laughter when you heard him mumble under his breath, "why are the hot ones always the crazy ones", while walking past him. Giving him a wink. 

Oh sweetie.. I'm not crazy.. just too good at acting! 

Smirking to yourself, you walked down the hallway. Looking past the several doors to find the office of the 'club owner'. Assuming that all those rooms, were the VIP rooms or more offices, since the hallway was guarded by a security guard and only certain people could technically enter. 

Walking further down the hallway, you suddenly heard loud talking, the music from the club rather muffled inside the long hallway. 

Moving closer towards the door and the room that you heard the voices in, you leaned your ear against the door. Hearing a voice that was familiar.

Way too familiar. 

Knocking on the door, without missing another thought, a moment of silence passed before you heard someone say loudly, "come in!"

Entering the room, you were met with a pair of golden hues. 

Locking eyes with each other, you both tried to maintain a neutral face. Pretending to not know each other. 

"Oh! Hello there!", a man, that sat behind the office desk, greeted you. Eyeing you up and down. His eyes momentarily stopped at your exposed legs before his gaze wandered up towards your cleavage. You were close to saying something, when his eyes returned to yours. "How can I help you, pretty young lady?", he smiled. 

Ignoring Hanma, you asked boldly, "are you the owner of this club?", "yeah! Is there a problem?", he asked, tilting his head slightly. 

"there are three guys who won't stop bothering me! I already went to the security but they just shrugged me off. I'm being harassed by them and If your security doesn't deal with it, we're gonna have a big problem", you said. 

The man listened attentively before nodding his head, "alright, that's unacceptable of course! It was good talking to you Mister Hanma. I will get back to you regarding our earlier topic. Please feel free to stay, I can  provide you a VIP Room", Hanma nodded his head, "Sure!" Getting up and walking past you, his eyes met you for a brief second before he walked out of the room. 

Your attention going back to the man behind the desk. "Whats your name, lovely?", he asked. 

He wasn't ugly, the opposite actually. 

His raven hair was disheveled, messily waved yet it looked styled in a way. His dark marine suit was hugging his body perfectly and you could make out the fact that he was well build. 

A bit too well build. 

While his icy blue eyes stared back at you. Though there was one thing nagging you  at the back of your head.. why the fuck did he seem so familiar. 

"I'm Leila Shua", you answered as the male in front of you nodded, "and you?", you raised your eyebrow. He chuckled at that, "I'm Baipā, the owner of this club"

You froze for a second. 

Ah.. fuck.. that's why he seemed so familiar.. 

"Well.. I know that you're the owner of the club.. obviously!", you stated, making him laugh, "right right. Sorry, courtesy. Now...", standing up, he walked towards your form. "Can you show me the three men that have been bothering you? I wanna take care of the problem rather quickly! I want everyone to have a good time and experience at my club", he smiled. 

Nodding your head, you both walked out of his office towards the main club hall. 

You felt a bit nervous, with all honesty. Never would you have ever imagined running straight into Baipā himself like this. You knew you had to be cautious now. 

Originally, you planned to go to the club owner, complain to him about a 'harassment' and then lead him to a secluded area and knock him out. Getting rid of him, silently and swiftly. 

But now.. you had to rethink your steps carefully. As you literally had the man, you have been watching for the past weeks, following behind you. Following you because of a story you pulled out of your ass. 

As soon as you walked past the security guy from before, your eyes quickly darted across the room. Trying to find someone drunk enough you could blame for 'harassing' you. Mentally apologizing to the poor man, who will have to take the blame, and to the gods, for this particular lie. 

Soon your eyes landed on a dude who was hovering above a girl. The girl obviously in discomfort. 

"perfect..", you inaudibly mumbled to yourself. Not feeling as bad about it as before anymore. 

Turning to Baipā, who looked at you in anticipation, you pointed out the man. Leaning towards his ear, "It was this dude! See, he's already harassing another girl! I don't know where his two friends are though. I don't see them!"

Baipā nodded his head before making eye contact with one of the security guards in the club. Pointing towards the dude. In a swift motion, the man was pried away from the girl. 

You could visibly see her sigh out of relief, making you almost laugh as you watched the guy being dragged out of the club by his collar. Wiggling his arms and legs around, probably yelling some sort of profanities at the security guard. 

Baipā had turned back towards you, letting his hand fall on your shoulder, "how did the others look like?"

Looking back at him before you turned back to the crowd, you desperately tried to find more people who seemed like they were harassing girls. Though to your luck, your attention shifted behind you when you heard two men laugh and a higher voice telling them to leave her alone.

Turning around, you saw a girl trying to get out of the restroom when two tall men were blocking her way. 

Shamelessly pointing your fingers at them, "there they are! Shouldn't have expected anything else to be honest. They did follow me before too!", you lied through your teeth. Though, completely obvious to Baipā. 

He quickly ushered his other security guard,  who was standing closer to you two, to get rid of both guys. 

You almost wanted to pat your own shoulder and thank the gods for your lucky streak that was making your lie more believable. 

Baipās gaze returned to you for a brief second. Noticing his gaze on you, you looked back up at him, tilting your head slightly in confusion. He gave you a boyish smile back, rubbing the back of his neck. "would it be inappropriate to ask, if I could invite you for a drink?"

"No! It wouldn't", you smiled back at him. Taking the opportunity to spend time with your 'enemy' and maybe get some info. It was almost like a gift laid out for you on a silver tray. It would be dumb not to take the hand that was reaching out to you. 

"then.. could I perhaps invite you for a drink at my office?", "sure!"

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