༒ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 56༒

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"Hi Inui! I finally got a new phone!", you exclaimed excitingly through the phone. 

"Hey, I'm glad to hear that!", Inuis voice rang softly on the other end. You pestered Kakucho on that evening to talk to Mikey immediately and in just a few days you had a new phone in your hands.

Pretending to not feel all to well yet, so you could stay at home, you fetched your old phone and transferred the phone numbers onto your new one, making sure to keep the numbers saved somewhere hidden in case they decided to rummage through your phone. 

You would literally have to delete the history as soon as you were finished talking to Inui. 

"so~.. my friends are rather busy the upcoming days and I'll be alone the entire time, are you perhaps free?", you asked, hoping that he was. It was true though, Bonten did had to go on a mission, which you luckily were able to escape by just simply pretending to be still in a bit of pain. 

You heard someone talk in the background, probably Draken you assumed, when Inui returned to the phone, nervously replying, "sure, I can make some time-", "for you", you heard Draken whisper shout in the back, "-- for you!", Inui replied, making you chuckle. 

"That sounds great! I can't wait", "yeah.. I'll see you then", "bye Inui!", "bye.."

You were a little bit over excited as you thought about hanging out with Inui, someone else than Bonten. For the rest of the day you decided to plop down on the bed, napping and chilling until Kakucho was home, sending him off to the mission the next day.

"Inui!", you yelled while excitingly running towards him, waving at him! 

His gaze shifted towards your running form, waving back at you. "Hey! You look good!", he smiled at you, recalling how Draken had told him to 'compliment a girl first and then ask how she's doing'. 

Inui was such a noob when it came to girls that he was grateful for Draken and the others giving him tips prior to the little 'date' you two had. 

Well at least he assumed it was a Date and hoped you too, would consider it as one, he was nervous to ask though. "Thank you! You look very handsome yourself!", you smiled at him, a blush spreading across his face. 

"How have you been?", he asked, following you as you started walking, "I've been good, just hanging around with my friends! And you?", "just work", he said, not exactly knowing what to talk about. He tried to think for a moment on what to do next, recalling the conversations he had with the others 


"subtle touches make girls go crazy", Chifuyu said, "hands subtly brushing against each other, intertwining pinkys after they brush for a third time against each other. You both will shyly look away into opposite directions-", Kazutora interrupted him with a sigh, "did that happen in one of your romance Mangas again?", "And what if it did?!" Draken shook his head, "just wrap your arm around her shoulders and pull her closer to you or keep a hand on her head", "that's so... unromantic", Mitsuya said, frowning a bit. Inui turned towards Takemitchy, seeing as he was the only one who actively had a long term girlfriend but even he looked apologetic at him. "I don't even know how Hina likes me in the first place", "that's still a question that even the universe can't answer", Draken laughed. 


A subtle brush against your hand.. that's doable... Inui thought. 

He tried to walk a tad bit closer to you, his hand brushing against yours while trying not to make it too obvious. Another brush of your fingers made you wonder if you were walking too close to him while he was doing it intentional. 

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