༒ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 27༒

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Shifting around, your eyelids felt heavy. Your fingertips gracing and gripping the soft, what seemed like, satin bedsheets. 

A hand was softly caressing your forehead and eyelids, making you groan. You slowly managed to open your eyes, locking them with Kakuchos in a foreign room. "where... am I?", you croaked out, tired and exhausted. Kakucho kept looking at you, "you're at mine", "what do you mean?", your throat felt dry, making it painful to talk. 

"You're at Bontens HQ, in my room", he simply said before his gaze wandered towards the night stand next to you, taking the glass of water that stood there. He reached his hand out to it, gripping it before turning back to you. 

He wanted to help you sit up when you swiftly sat up yourself, slapping the glass away, the shards splattering with the water around the floor as Kakucho just looked at the mess now made. His face expressionless. 

"Where is Nat!? What happened to him?! What happened to Bub?! What do you mean, I am at the Bontens HQ?! Fucking answer!", you yelled at him, backing away from him on the bed. Putting as much distance as possible between you two. He sighed, about to answer, when suddenly the door bursted open. Sanzu and Koko walking in, clearly having heard the glass breaking and your obvious yelling. 

"Angel! You're Awake!", Sanzu grinned widely at you. Koko eyed your form for a split second with soft eyes before they became sharp again as Akashi, Ran and Rindou walked in. Akashi with Bub in his arms, Rindou with his usual stoic bored expression and Ran, having his usual lazy smile on. 

"Slept well?", Ran asked, making his way towards you.

He reached out to you but you slapped his hand away, "Don't fucking touch me!", you growled and snapped at him. Your eyes turning to Akashi, "Bub?!", your gaze falling onto your sleeping cat in Akashis arms who also walked up to you.

He put down Bub on the bed beside you before stroking him and leaving him be, putting some distance between you and himself. "We obviously couldn't leave your cat back at your home", Akashi simply said, taking out a cigarette before lightning it up, inhaling a good puff of air and nicotine. 

Happy to see your cat well, you wanted them to answer your other questions still. "What's with Nat?! You haven't answered yet!", "Angel, I'm hurt! You're here with us, why do you keep-", "Where.Is.He?!", you snapped. 

"Geez, he's alive and fine", Sanzu rolled his eyes annoyed.

And it was true. He wish he could've killed the fucker but Kakucho stopped him, telling him to not make unnecessary work. The fucker managed to dodge the first bullet, somehow, that got shot and when Sanzu was about to shoot another one, Kakucho knocked Nat out.

They left him unconscious on the floor of your apartment, taking you with them and flying back out here, happy that they had a private jet. It was easier to take you with them that way.. for.. obvious reasons.  

You let out a sigh of relieve, knowing that he was alright and alive was everything you needed to know to let your heart be at ease. "Can't believe that you are worrying for a bitch like this", Sanzu scoffed, making you snap at him, "Shut the fuck up! At least he's not a fucking criminal and treats me with respect!" Making Sanzu look at you almost offended, disbelief lacing his voice, "when did I Not treat you with respect?"

Making you look at him, now, in utter disbelief, "Huh?! Bro, you Kidnapped me?! Are you fucking serious?!", "and?

You literally looked at him like he was truly insane, "and? And? What do you mean, and?! Bitch!-", "don't forget who you're talking to! You don't want me to stain the bedsheets with your fucking blood now, do you?!", Sanzu said in a low tone, getting pretty pissed with your behavior.

"fuck you fuck you Fuck you Fuck You!", you yelled to which Sanzu snapped! 

With hard and loud footsteps he waltzed up to you, gripped your arm and threw you off the bed, making you land harshly on your side. You didn't even had the chance to stand up as you tried to fight against him, trying to pry his hands away from you but he was currently significantly stronger than you as you were still rather dazed from the 'drug' you had inhaled prior. 

A loud slap suddenly echoing in the room, making your face turn to the right, hair falling in front of your face as you froze. Your cheek stinking, a red color blooming out and your eyes getting teary. 

Without being able to even react properly he gripped your hair, pulling you sharply towards him as you were still on the floor now rather kneeling, making you yelp out in pain, the tears now free falling down your cheeks. 

"You little Bitch! Do I Have to remind You, where the Fuck you are and Who you are Talking to?!?", Sanzu said, his grip getting tighter on your hair, forcing you to look at him. It surprised him though, how despite your current position, you held no ounce of fear in your eyes but rather a dangerous almost threatening glim. Angry and pissed, that's what you were. "Sanzu, enough!" Mikeys voice rung out in the room, Mochi standing next to him, his hands in his pockets as he watched rather amused the little show.

Both looked at the scene in front of them before Mikey made a hand motion towards Sanzu, making the man release his grip on your hair. You almost numbly fell to the floor not daring to look up as you heard footsteps approaching you. 

Suddenly a pair of feet in flip flops stood in front of you, in your vision. 

Even as he started speaking to you, you kept your face down, your gaze on the floor beneath your fingertips as tear droplets landed on the floor and on your hands. 

"We don't want to kill you (L/N) but I would appreciate it if you behave and show respect", Mikey said, his voice just like you remembered. Dull. Like a empty shell of a human.

"Bonten works pretty simple, Angel. Betray Bonten, go against Bonten, Fuck with Bonten, those who don't fit in Bonten are scraps! We dispose of those", Sanzu grinned, as he crouched down in front of you, pushing your hair behind your ear as he eyed you. 

Your eyes were still trained to the floor, keeping your mouth shut, breathing heavily as to stop more tears from escaping your eyes.

It was silent for a minute or two, an uncomfortable silence, when Mikey spoke up again, "get some rest! We have some business to attend. We're gonna talk later!" With that you heard everyone leave, the door shutting behind you as silence engulfed you once more.

Waiting for a few more minutes, you finally decided to stand up when you were sure they were gone. 

Looking around the room, it was rather dark, everything was burgundy, velvet and mahogany wood colored. Fitting for a luxurious gangster. 

Sitting down on the bed you let your head fall into your hands, rubbing your face and temples before letting out a sigh. You had to get outta here, you had to find a way back home but before that you had to play nice... you had to act. You had to pretend and you had to lie... one thing you were absolute good in.

But despite all that, you couldn't stop the tears streaming down your face. The anxious feeling picking on your skin as you hoped you would be able to get out of here without scratches. Though you knew that only wishful thinking. 

Knowing damn well, that it wouldn't be too easy. Feeling almost dreadful as your gut told you that you would probably see your parents sooner than you wished for.

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