༒ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 85༒

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You shifted around in your bed, your cat snoozing silently next to you as you stared at the ceiling.

It had been 4 days since Nats death. Yet you couldn't pin point how you felt or what you felt. The first time you heard it you felt like vomiting. Incredibly sad and devastated you were breaking. 

Though now, after 4 days of not doing anything and having peace and quiet around you, you were feeling rather alright. 

Accepting the fact that you won't ever be able to see him again. 

Never again would you be able to run your fingers through his soft locks or look into his warm comforting green eyes. He was a young dad that lost his wife first, then his daughter, then you and now his life. 

"Ah~", you groaned, your hands lifting up to your eyes as you pressed down on them, trying to stop the tears from gathering. 

It still hurt. It was still hella painful but what could you do? There was nothing you could do. You had to live with the pain like you had done your whole life so far. And despite how sad it sounded, you were starting to get used to it. 

You promised your mother to never get to a point in life where you had to get used to pain and sadness. 

You promised her that you would always be grateful for what life was giving you, be it bad or good.

But you were reaching a point where you started to feel something you never felt in your life before. Hate and Resentment. 

Your cat, noticing the shift in aura and atmosphere, woke up. Glancing towards your form who was silently letting her tears caress her face as you had your fists clutched and pressed over your eyes. He started purring, slowly walking towards you before settling atop of your chest. Licking your hands and nuzzling his nose against them. You slowly relaxed. 

As soon as your hands left your face, he shuffled forwards, nuzzling his nose against yours. His silent way of saying, "I'm here for you and I'm going nowhere", just like he always had been. Never leaving your side and grateful that Bonten was kind enough to take him with them. He was the only thing that kept your sanity at ease in some way. 

Comforting you with his love. 

Healing you. 

A knock on the door of your bedroom, fortunately didn't stop bub from sending you love as you called the person in. Akashi entered, looking at you before disappearing for a minute, leaving the door open before appearing with a breakfast tray.

He placed it next to you on the bed, sitting down himself as his hand stroke your hair away from your forehead and face, "you already look a lot better than your first day here", he said. Now reaching with his hand towards bub and stroking his fur. "Though it seems like you still don't feel all to well", noticing how Bub was purring, still nuzzling his face against your cheek for comfort. 

"it's understandable though. I would love to tell you to still take some time but for some reason Mikey was pretty pissed tonight", he said, sighing. 

You just now noticed the eye bags he sported. "wait, tonight? Did you just came back from work?", you asked, a little bit concerned as you eyed the clock on the bedside table. Noticing that it was early in the morning, the time where Akashi usually goes to work.., "Yeah. Just came back", not comes back from work... 

Shifting slightly, your cat got up and went to your lap. Taking the chance you sat up, looking at Akashi, "You worked the whole day and the whole night, up until now? That's more than working overtime at this point", you frowned making him chuckle, "there's not really such things as 'working overtime' in my line of work, (Y/N).", "makes sense.. but to come back to what you said earlier", "ah, yeah. Mikey seemed pretty pissed today so he wants you back at the HQ", "back at the HQ?", "yeah, he wants you to work", "oh.."

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