༒ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 63༒

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Sanzu was the first to spring up. Literally surprising everyone. 

Kazuya was the second to step up. 

Both men wanting to follow you but staring each other down as soon as they realized each other's intentions. 

"I'll take care of my Angel! Don't bother", Sanzu grinned, "I'll take care of my Bubs! How about you don't bother!", Kazuya fired back. Kakucho let out a sigh, slowly getting up himself when Mikey stopped him with a hand. 

Kakucho looked down at this boss when Mikey suddenly stood up himself, walking past the two men. Instantly, Kazuyas hand shot out, grabbing onto his shoulder, stopping Mikey to walk any further, "unless you wanna be dead on the floor... I suggest you to let my shoulder go", Mikey said, not even bothering to turn around and look at Kazuya. 

He heard him scoff behind him, "you wanna go comfort my childhood friend that you kidnapped. Can't you tell how fucking dumb that sounds?", "didn't you just do the same?", "I'm gonna bring her back! I'm not ripping her away from her life!", Kazuya snapped. 

"Bring her back?", Mikey suddenly laughed, startling everyone in the room. He turned around to face Kazuya, "bring her back, you say? Bring her back to her boring life? Bring her back to her pathetic life where she was all alone? Bring her back to her man who doesn't care about her? To her 'friends' that don't care? She's safe with us! She's happy here-", "are you fucking insane?", Kazuya asked Mikey seriously, "you're fucking delusional!" 

He couldn't believe what was coming out of this mans mouth. He was shocked about the delusional view Mikey had from you and your life. He ripped you away from it and now has the audacity to pretend that you were happier here. Happier with gangster who deal with drugs, humans and money. Gambling, Prostitution, Drugs and much more.. and you were supposed to be happy around all that? 

Without uttering a single word, Kazuya shook his head and turned around, following your disappeared form. He was more than worried right now, not only for you in general but your safety and your health. Running down the hallway, looking through all the doors in hopes to find you somewhere, he hoped deeply that they didn't fuck you over. 

A sigh of relieve leaving his lips when he found you sitting on the floor, with your head hung low, just around the corner. 

Crouching down to your height he cupped your cheek, his heart breaking when he felt your wet cheeks on his fingertips. "I hate crying", you mumbled, "I haven't cried since the death of my parents but since being here it seems like that's all I have been doing." "It's alright. You have every right to do so!", Kazuya reassured, stroking your tears softly away with his thumbs.

Leaning in, he gave the top of your head a kiss, something your mom always used to do when you felt sad before stroking your hair away from your face. Kazuya did the same, he knew back then how much it comforted you. 

The gestures broke you down, a loud sob escaping your lips as you felt all the pent up emotions crashing down on you. Kazuya instantly took you in his arms, hugging you tightly to himself as he covered your body with his, shielding you from the eyes of any outsiders that may pass by. "I'll never leave you again", he mumbled against your head, "I'll make sure to never leave your side again! Ever! I promise! You will never feel alone again! I'll be the family to you that you lost.... I'll be your family again!" 

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