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"You wanna build an alliance with us?", Haruka asked the dark haired male beside you, his eyes glaring whenever Baipās hand got a little too close to you. 

"Yeah? Kazuya is loosing it, at this point he's getting unpredictable. I don't like working with unpredictable people. At the end I'm gonna lie in my own grave, no thank you!", Baipā stated as he stuffed some fries into his mouth.

You listened attentively, taking bites out of the burger Baipā brought. When he said he was gonna bring some food, he literally just meant to fetch the food his subordinate had already bought. 

Haruka scoffed, "as if Bonten will build an alliance with you after all this shit!", "oh no, you misunderstood!" This statement made you and Haruka look at him in confusion. 

"I meant an alliance with you two!", "huh? Fuck are you Talking about?" 

Haruka frowned at the male who laughed, "don't make it so obvious dimwit! I can sense you both are hiding something. Something that doesn't involve Bonten", "and where did you got that idea from?", "aren't you a little too close to her for a subordinate of Bonten?", making both you and Haruka eye Baipā. 

The entire time you kept silent, just listening to them both when you decided to chime in.

Haruka looking at you in utter disbelief. 

"We're planning my escape!", you said before diving into the burger again. Haruka was about to snap in when Baipā excitingly said, "Uh! Thrilling, I wanna join!", before crossing his legs and leaning his head on his fist, eyeing you with a soft smile on his face and a lingering look in his eyes. 

"No!", Haruka interrupted, Baipā turning towards him and frowning, whining back in response, "why not?!", "Haruka just let him be", you waved off, your focus on the burger making your partner scoff. "How can you trust this fucker?!", "how can you not trust me?", asked Baipā in defense. The two men started bickering making you sit up, a deadpan expression settling on your face before you turned towards them and snapped, "shut up you two! You're not in kindergarten or pre school! Stop bickering like two little kids!" Making both men instantly straighten their back, apologizing to you like two kids who were scolded by their mother. 

You sighed before you started pouting, "anyways... I'm finished with the burger but I'm still hungry..", Baipā turned to you, "I have some fries left!", "oh, yah!"

"Two more days and then you can go home! As long as there aren't any complications", the doctor said, eyeing Baipā before he continued, "a nurse will come by and change up your bandage!" 

You nodded your head, Baipā eyeing the doctor with a sharp stare before the doctor left rather nervously. You yawned and shifted to a more comfortable position in the bed. Baipā came closer, settling down beside you. It has been exactly three days since his last visit. He was hella busy with the clubs he owned and Kazuya. Feeling bad that he couldn't spare you even a minute of his day to come by and check up on you. 

That's why, on the contrary, he brought you quite a few presents today to make up for the hours he couldn't be there. You had called him cheesy, telling him he's overdoing it to which he only grinned, replying, 'anything for my princess'. 

He looked at you as you closed your eyes, "you tired?", "a bit.. can't stand these hospital walls anymore. I just wanna go away from here..", "Where do you gonna go? After they discharge you from here, I mean?", "Probably my boyfriends place-", "speaking off. He hasn't visited you yet, has he?" 

You shook your head, "no.. I'm not even sure if he knows I'm here", "but shouldn't he call you, like... just to check if you're alive. You were out of it for a while, wouldn't anyone get suspicious at some point?", "you're talking anyone bad", you laughed but he just pouted."No?! I mean, Haruka even came by to visit you, finally.. After Kazuya finally decided to stop patrolling your room like a guard dog", he teased. 

But you understood what Baipā was getting at. 

To be fair, it did make you sad that nobody except Baipā and Haruka was visiting you. Shit.. even that Psycho showed more care than anyone at the moment.

"I truly don't know how to respond to that..", you honestly said, your eyes shifting towards the window. Baipā sighed, "lets just drop the Topic. I'll stay with you until the nurse comes, I'll have to go soon unfortunately-", "don't worry about it! I'm already super thankful for you and Haruka for even making time to come.. You both are busy and after all, none of you have to come-", "even if you would be across the globe, I would still make time to visit you and be there for you. It shouldn't be an issue or a discussion!", Baipā said, rather sternly, confident in his statement.

He was truly a good guy, despite all the gang stuff but that was the same with Haruka. 

Both men were incredibly respectful towards you. Not even shying away in showing you how you should be cared for. 

Haruka taking the extra step to literally teach you, how you should be treated, always saying stuff like, 'thats how a man should take care of you! I'll personally make sure of that!' 

Truly a blessing. 

In a fucked up Situation, to still find people that take care of you, like, genuinely take care of you was so rare. You truly appreciated it. 

After the nurse came, Baipā stayed until she was gone. He was a bit cautious since the staff was rather odd and he personally wanted to make sure that nothing would come in between your health, your recovery and your leave. 

Two more days and he would personally get you and drive you wherever you wanted to go. He had promised that already. 

While he left the Hospital, he checked his phone, a scowl appearing on his face before a stoic expression replaced it.

He finally had the name of your so called, 'boyfriend'. Making a B- Line to his car, he decided to visit him. He genuinely just wanted to talk, from man to man. Wanting to know why the fuck the dude had the audacity to leave a gorgeous girl like you all alone in the hospital. 

So when he reached his destination, which was the D&D motorcycle shop, he instantly went in.

Inui didn't even had the time to greet him when Baipā pointed a finger at him, a simple, "you!", falling from his lips. 

Draken looked at Baipā, a hard look falling upon his features. "Who are you?-", "I Need to talk to Inui Sheishu, which is this dude right here!", Baipā interrupted. "Who are you?", Inui asked him, a frown on his face. "(Y/N)s future better boyfriend if you keep doing nothing like this!", "What are you even talking about?", Draken asked, ready to throw Baipā out of his shop. 

Baipā turned towards Draken, "Inuis girlfriend, (Y/N), is currently in the hospital, recovering from a shot wound while her boyfriend, the guy over there, hasn't even visited her once!" Inui and Draken looked at him in shock, confusion and irritation. All of it in one. 

"Girlfriend?", "hospital?", "shot wound?!", "What area you?", both men asked in confusion. "shouldn't you be worried when your girlfriend doesn't text you in, what was it, two weeks?!", "ehm... I think.. I think you got something wrong..", Seishu said, still confused about the situation, yet immensely worried for you. 

"(Y/N) isn't my girlfriend,... we barely, almost never, text so that wasn't really weird to me. Though, if i had known earlier, I, of course, would've come earlier", he said. 

Now it was Baipās turn to look at him in confusion before he lifted a finger, "Wait here for a second!", before rushing out of the shop. 

He fished out his phone and dialed Haruka, who was on the other side, very very annoyed.

"Fuck you want?!", "Didn't you say that (Y/N) has a boyfriend?", "yeah?", "why is her 'boyfriend' saying they're not together?!", he snapped at the end. 

"W-what do you mean?! They literally kissed each other like a couple goodbye?!-", "ooooh, this lucky fucker was blessed with her lips, arrrgh i'm gonna shred him!", "this is bad.. this is really bad..", Haruka mumbled on the other side, "she's gonna be so sad... ", "then... lets make sure she doesn't find out!", Baipā said when Haruka chimed in, a groan escaping his lips...

"I can't believe I'm saying this but try your best to swoon her over and for now, were gonna keep it from here that he isn't actually her boyfriend, well that he doesn't see her as his girlfriend at least..", "good plan!"

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