🔞༒ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 43༒🔞

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You were fidgeting in the passenger seat. Rindou silently driving the car, ignoring all your questions.

You would be lying if you say you weren't excited for what was about to come. 

Obviously you came first, your body was way too sensitive to hold your orgasm as you trembled, filled up with his cum that you currently tried to desperately keep inside you as it was the first thing he ordered you to do. 

"Keep my cum inside until I have you lying down where I want you to be", were his very own words. 

You were definitely riled up. It was something new to you as you never experienced That type of sex. Being manhandled and dominated made your cunt throb and your heart race. You felt hot all over your body, wanting more and more. You wanted him to touch you! You wanted him to fill you up! Fuck you until you pass out, you knew he was able to do so. 

He was driving you insane, completely different from Ran and Kakucho.

Ran was a pleaser, teasing you, dirty talking you while praising you while drilling into you. Kakucho was also a pleaser but a gentle one, worshipping your body in a way that made you feel loved and appreciated. 

Rindou though, he was not dirty talking, no, it was pure filth that came out of his mouth, degrading you while literally using your body. Different type of sex for different moods, i guess. 

All in all you curiously eyed where Rindou was driving you both to. Your first guess was maybe a hotel but as you passed more and more streets and more and more places your gut told you he was driving you towards his own. 

"Rin, please.. I genuinely need you right now! Fuck, I can't wait any longer!", he still kept his mouth shut, ignoring you, making you more frustrated. An Idea popped into your head, a mischievous smile on your face as you kept your cunt shut, concentrating on that while you decided to play out your plan. 

He was acting like a bitch so you were gonna act like a Bitch too.

Already getting excited for the 'punishment' he was gonna give you later on for acting 'bratty'. As mentioned before, if you wanted something you got it. 

You yawned and stretched your arms in front of you before shifting a little and letting your arm fall to the arm rest in the middle of the seats.

He momentarily eyed you before his gaze went back to the streets. You waited a few until his focus was purely on the road again before you started to slowly inch your hand towards him. Whenever he looked you stilled, pretending to not to do anything as you gazed outside the window. 

He couldn't even react fast enough when your hand palmed him through his pants. Rubbing him up and down as he let out a hiss. 

He didn't say anything though, trying to still ignore you but when you inched your head down he momentarily blanked before snapping, "you fucking brat! Behave or I'll fuck your mouth until you choke and pass out", gripping your hair with his free hand while still steering with the other.

Letting out a moan from his grip on your hair while smirking up at him you continued to rub him.

"Rindou~", you cooed. "Shut up", "Rindou~ come on!", "Shut the fuck up!" 

You huffed out annoyed. Knowing him too little you didn't know how to properly rile him up but you tried to think of something.. of anything. Tracking the conversations back you had with him until a light bulb lit up. Recalling his behavior towards Hanma.

"Hmm, maybe I should've went with Hanma", you scoffed. 

You noticed the hand gripping your hair, stiffened. Trying to hide the smirk you pulled back from him, his grip on your hair going away as you continued with a sigh, adjusting yourself in the seat, "I'm getting tired.. Kakuchos bed would be a blessing right now, it's so soft and warm.. just like him.."

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