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Standing in front of Mikey, you could tell he was mad. He may not showed it on the outside but you knew, with a simple glance, that he was not in the greatest mood.

Was it because you talked back? Maybe. 

Did you care? Not really.

"you called?", "I noticed you're feeling a lot better", "yeah... I guess", "do you think you're ready for a new mission?", he asked you. 

It was honestly weird, talking to Mikey. His voice never showed even a hint of emotion. It was strange, really and you always tried to ignore it. Telling yourself, that's just how he is. 

Nodding your head, he continued, "good! You have to take care of some business for me. Another gang is meddling with our stuff. Find out what they exactly want and get rid of them." 

Nodding your head once more, he was about to assign you with one of the executives when you stopped him, "can I do it with someone else?", "why?"

You knew you had to give a valid reason as to why you couldn't work with one of the executives right now. So you mustered up the most professional excuse you could spit out, "I just feel like I'm currently not performing at my best with them by my side. I wanna do this mission at your expectations with the best performance and best goal possible." 

Mikey nodded his head. Giving you an alright before letting you go, he was definitely pleased with your answer. You on the other hand was just happy that he took your excuse as a valid reason. 

As soon as you closed the door behind you, you let out a sigh of relief. 

First of all, you didn't die! Second, you managed to get someone else to do the mission with you! Third, you actually didn't die!

"Thank god", you muttered underneath your breath, before you made your way back towards the living room. The executives sighing in relief as well, when they saw you alive and well, "I lived bitches", throwing in a middle finger towards them, which quickly disappeared when you heard Mikey's voice once more behind you.

You stiffened up, turning to look behind you. 

There he stood with another guy, probably a subordinate of his. 

"This is Haruka, he will assist you on this mission!" The mentioned male bowed down, giving you a smirk before returning to a stoic look, when Akashi spoke up, "Assisting for what boss?", "a mission", "wait wait wait, Mikey! Why not one of us?", Sanzu asked in a confused voice. 

"It's on (y/n)'s own request", he simply said, before leaving you Haruka and the others. 

Before Sanzu could protest or anyone at that matter, you slung an arm around Haruka, dragging him towards Akashis office to talk business. Looking behind your shoulder, you stuck your tongue out, throwing another middle finger their way, disappearing with Haruka. 

Leaving them all in a rather shocked state. 

None of them understood anything anymore, what was up and what was down. It confused them all. 

"He better not touch her..", Ran snarled. "I'll rip his fingers off, if he does", Akashi simply answered, putting his cigarette out on the ashtray.

Haruka and you sat in front of each other. He had this stoic look on his face, his eyes sharp, piercing right through you.

"So.. I was assigned to assist you on the mission?", he said, his voice rather nonchalant, a hint of laziness in it. Weirdly attractive. 

You nodded before he continued, "why not with one of the executives? Thought you had a good relationship with them?", "I'm currently not in good terms with them. So now you have me stuck on your ass", making him chuckle.

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