⚠️🔞༒ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 45༒🔞⚠️

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Rindou woke up with a groan, looking over he realized that your warmth was missing. An annoyed sigh leaving his lips. 

He sat up and rubbed his eyes before walking to his closet, noticing that there was an empty hanger, a sudden smirk appearing on his face.

She's wearing my shirt... 

A feeling of pride and cockiness filled his chest. 

Taking out another shirt and some boxers he made his way out of the room towards the dining hall when he suddenly heard your cries. With fast steps he rushed towards your pleading cries when he suddenly halted in the entrance of the dining hall. 

You in a dress, bend over on the table, face down as the dress was hitched up to your hips while a belt kept your arms restrained behind you, Ran lazily almost aggressively pushing his digits in as you pleaded for him to stop. 

Rindou didn't know how to feel if he was being honest. 

Your cries didn't sound like your 'usual' moans and pleadings.No. You were literally sobbing, telling Ran to stop over and over. It wasn't a new view to him but the fact that it wasn't some random girl but you didn't sit right with him. 

"What are you doing, brother?", "good morning", the elder Haitani greeted his younger brother, a smirk on his lips. "Doll was very needy this morning and I decided to help her!" 

You locked eyes with Rin, tears escaping your eyes as you sobbed and shook your head. Your eyes pleading him for help. "Ran", he sighed, "I get it! Okay. You don't like that I fucked her and I'm pretty sure that she understood that too. She's crying, just stop." "You should've seen her this morning, talking back like she thinks she has a say in anything", "Ran, it's enough!", "Rin, are you really defending her right now instead of your own Brother?", "Ran, It's enough! She's Hyperventilating!", Rin snapped. 

And he was right, you were choking on your own tears, trembling, defocused as you couldn't breath properly anymore. 

Rans eyes widened, immediately stopping and pulling your dress down, hovering above you and removing his belt from your wrists as he tried to help you stand up. Your legs giving out under you, making you stumble over, the sudden urge of vomiting overwhelmed you, the breakfast you had this morning now disregarded on the floor as you sobbed and threw up. 

"Doll", Ran softly called out a hand reaching towards you when you desperately crawled away, "Don't Touch Me! Please.. Don't", you cried. 

Rindou called the maids to clean up the mess and bring you to his room, assuming that the last thing you probably want right now is to be touched by any male.

As you were escorted by their maids towards his room, Rin locked eyes with his brother who wasn't sure how to feel right now. The way you scrambled away from him did hurt his pride but the sudden fear in your eyes, looking at him as if he was a stranger it stirred something up inside him. 

A gut wrenching feeling, something clicking in his brain, connecting the dots. 

"Rindou... remember when Akashi told us that she spaced out when she talked about her one tattoo with him?", "the... girl one? Tomie was it, Right?", "yeah, he said she started crying mumbling something about someone getting stabbed and then stopped, telling him they all killed each other or went insane", "yeah... what are you on about?", Rin asked. Looking at his brother in confusion from the sudden topic.

 "I think I triggered something", "what do you mean?-", "have Kakucho pick her up. I wanna talk to him", "Ran-", "call him, we'll talk with him about it when he's here." 

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