༒ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 91༒

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Coming home to Akashis place, after Haruka dropped you off, was kinda odd. 

Standing in front of the door, since you didn't had any keys, you waited for Akashi. You thought he would be already home by now but surprisingly, he wasn't. 

That was the odd thing. 

Taking out your phone, you tried to dial his number but to no avail. The little voice on the other end of the phone telling you that 'the person you are trying to reach is not available at the moment'. 

"great", you muttered underneath your breath. 

Sitting yourself down on the floor, as you could literally do nothing but wait, you occasionally tried to dial his number. Over and over. Though as per usual, the little voice appeared, telling you again and again that 'the person you are trying to reach is not available at the moment'.

With a huff of annoyance, you decided to call one of the other executives. Hoping and thinking, that maybe they would pick up the call. And if you were lucky enough, they may or may not are still together at the HQ or somewhere on a mission. 

At the very last, even if they weren't together anymore, maybe someone could tell you where Akashi was.

Though yet again, to your dismay, nobody picked up your call. The little voice on the other side of the phone telling you once more, the same text you could probably repeat in your sleep now.

Your annoyance from before instantly came back. 

The time you had spent with Haruka was truly relaxing and nice for a change. It took your mind off of things and your current situation. But now, all that time you had spent with Haruka, seemed to go to waist. It was going down the drain as more and more seconds passed. 

You were getting pissed. 

You kept checking the time, seeing as it was almost an hour now that you have been waiting and sitting in front of the door of Akashis apartment. Hoping that at least your cat, was peacefully sleeping and not too worried about your absence. Thankfully Akashi had a maid that would always come by at the afternoon hours. Giving bub food and cleaning the house before she went away in the evening.

Feeling yourself getting sleepy, you tried to call Akashi one more time but to no avail once more.

With a sigh you stood up, feeling your eyes sting. It wasn't that you were sad or anything. It was just your heart that remembered something you still couldn't deal with. Believe it or not.. you had massive abandonment issues. 

From the moment Kazuya moved, to the point your parents died, to the moment you had to kill your friend you considered family. It was no secret to your best friend that you dealt with this, as she was the one who was always by your side and reassured you over and over that she was there for you despite everyone leaving. 

So sitting in front of a closed door, that you were supposed to call 'home' for the meantime, was paining you a little more than you thought. Paired with the tiredness you felt, wanting nothing more than to rest and sleep, you felt yourself tearing up. Getting rather emotional.

Especially since the person you were housing with has been fueling those abandonment issues a bit too much over the past few days. Keeping secrets from you and even avoiding you to a certain degree. The only closure you got from him was the intimate moment you had shared earlier that day. 

Walking down the hallway, you decided to call the next best person you could think off. 

The person you would spend the next days with. 


On the other side of the spectrum though, Rin, who was currently sitting with the other Bonten Executives at one of their night clubs, stood up for a smoke. Wanting to take a little break from the music and the girls that were throwing themselves on them. Wanting to take a breather of fresh air, if you will... he exited the club. 

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