༒ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 60༒

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"Calm down", Akashi sighed next to you. Dried up blood on his face as he was tied up next to you, like the other Bonten executives as well.

Everyone awoken from your yelling and cursing. You huffed out annoyed, "don't! Don't tell me to fucking calm down?!", "(Y/N) yelling won't bring you nor us far", Kakucho reasoned but you were having none of it. 

"You Motherfuckers-", "Can't you shut the fuck up?!", a bulky man suddenly yelled, bursting through the door, glaring at you. You looked at him with wide eyes, "you wanna fucking go?! The fucking audacity!", "I'll cut your tongue out, Bitch!", "It won't make me stop yelling, you dumbass!", "It'll make you stop talking!", "Are you fucking stupid?! Are you? Use your brains you fucking Gorilla looking shit ass", "Enough!", he yelled.

The bulky man, strutted towards your form. His hand extending to grab you when Mikey interrupted him. A voice so void of emotions, yet so threatening. "Touch her and I'll kill you! (Y/N) calm down and shut up!", you were ready to yell at the dude but when Mikey uttered those words you closed your mouth.

Letting out a huff, you pouted and turned your head away, sulking a bit. 

"You're tied up, how the fuck do you wanna do anything, huh?!", the Man laughed mockingly. Looking at him you pointed out the obvious, "bro, you do know that I could just kick your shin and you would instantly bend over for me like a bitch in heat?", "(Y/N)!!", Kakucho let out, a warning for you to shut up before it would escalate. 

You just shrugged your shoulders and looked away, "you fucking bitch, want me to bend You over?-", "and get STDs? No, thank you. Do you even wash your penis properly? Don't forget the foreskin!", you pointed out the obvious. 

"(Y/N) Enough!", Kakucho yelled, making you actually flinch. He usually never yells at you, the only time he really yelled was back when you ran away as he usually was always rather calm and collected. You mumbled out an apology before hanging your head low, not because you were ashamed but more or less to stop yourself from saying more stupid remarks and laughing. You just couldn't stay serious in bad situations. 

It was a coping mechanism you had developed throughout the years. 

It wasn't like you wanted to laugh or insult anyone, it was just that you couldn't stop yourself from doing so as it was a defense reaction. Instead of crying, you laughed. Instead of feeling scared or sad, you talked nonsense. Not the best solution but who could blame you? 

There was too much shit in your baggage.

"If it wasn't for the boss, I would've just shot your fucking brains out.. but boss has some interesting plans for you. Bontens Bitch, haha", he laughed before retreating back to his position, closing the door of the room. 

You could tell that you weren't at the warehouse you were in before, assuming that you and the others got transported into another place. 

"Princess, behave or we're gonna have more trouble than worth it", Ran said, turning towards your form who was still looking down at her lap. You shortly nodded your head, calming yourself down, the anxiety slowly creeping in as you stayed silent, thoughts getting a bit too loud. 

The door shortly opened after, a man walking in with a dress shirt, sleeves up, his tattoos showing. Your eyes examined the man and for once you had to admit, this was one handsome man right there. "Welcome Bonten! I send you an invite, glad you could make it in time! Ah, I see you.. even brought me my gift", he said, giving you a charming smile. His smile could almost sweep you from your feet if it wasn't for your current situation. 

For some reason though, the smile felt familiar. Yet you couldn't pin point how or why.

"Ha, if that isn't the fucker from Mogambo", Sanzu laughed, making your eyes widen. That was the new rising underground gang you heard from a few weeks back. Shit, that was not good. 

They guy, who you assumed was the boss, went up to Sanzu just to kick him in the face before grabbing a fistful of his hair.

"Haruchiyo Sanzu, Bontens no. 2., known as the Loyal Mad Dog. Crazy fucker", the man said,  releasing his grip on Sanzus hair. Sanzu spitted out blood before a grin spread on his face, "I can't wait to gauge those fucking eyes out of you", "you can try that after I'm done with each and everyone of you", he laughed before making his way towards you. 

Crouching down to match your height, he gently took your jaw in his hands, "and you darling, tell me..., what's your favorite color?", a bit stunned you hesitantly answered, a smile appearing on his face, "do you like lace or no lace?", "... lace.. i guess?", "Alright!"

He proceeded to pick you up bridal style, a small smile playing on his face, so so gentle, "gold or silver?", "depends?", "hmm, then both." He had a thoughtful look on his face while he carried you out of the room.

You didn't know what to feel or how to feel as you were carried away by the man, answering hesitantly his questions of "chocolate or vanilla?", "dresses or skirts?", "flowers or no flowers", "roses or lily?" 

Looking past his shoulder, you could see the others gritting their teeth, being confused or just straight up having no emotions on their faces as they watched you being carried away by the gang leader of Mogambo. Man, you didn't even know what to do as he was not actively doing anything to you. 

He wasn't hurting you.. he was just carrying you and asking you innocent questions. It was all very confusing to you. 

After a while of walking down a hallway, he entered a room that seemed awfully a lot like a makeshift bedroom. Placing you down on the bed, he carefully removed the ties around your wrists before rubbing them softly. Soothing the pain a little, "sorry.. I told them not to handle you too rough. A gorgeous woman like you should be handled with care", he sighed softly, "those dimwits. Next time they hurt you like this... I'll let them taste the concrete for dinner."

Truthfully speaking, you believed his words. Studying his face and tone, you could tell that he wasn't lying nor playing around. He wasn't trying to deceive you. He was soft spoken and his eyes never left yours, making his words seem more than sincere. "While speaking of dinner.. Can I perhaps invite you to one? With only us two?"

Taken aback by his words, you softly nodded your head, still very surprised from the way he was treating you. 

Well...for now

...at least. 

Authors Note

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Why was I looking for a whole hour for a decent looking tattooed mafia guy that did not appear in a BL nor looks like he could've appeared in one...
I was thiiiiiiis close 👌🏻 THIIIIIS CLOSE, to just either use Min-Hyuk Lee from "legs which cannot walk" OR Jin from "under the green light" as character designs cause HOT DAMN! They would've fit as well BUT I found this dude, who also fits my character description not only look vice but also from the way he talks, so that'll do!

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