🔞༒ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 32༒🔞

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Kakucho had you bend over the dining table, his fingers tracing your thighs as he was giving the back of your neck gentle kisses, his other hand softly wrapped around your hip, gently squeezing it every now and then.

The fingers that were tracing your thighs found their way in between them, cupping your womanhood over your joggers before rubbing you for a little. 

His hand disappearing again. 

Taking your arm, he lifted you up, turning you around, his fingers finding their way to the hem of your shirt. Lifting it effortlessly up and removing it. He paused for a second, letting his fingers trace from your stomach upward to your hardened nipple, letting his thumb gently stroke over it. 

You were watching his fingers, your face feeling warm, almost as if you were embarrassed on how much time he took out of his own to really... admire you.. appreciate you and your body.

Throwing your head back when his lips cupped your nipple, his other hand occupied with the other, he gently bit down on it and sucked it. Soft moans escaping your throat as you let your hand get entangled with his hair, caressing his head. 

His lips trailed upwards with gentle kisses and licks towards your neck again, leaving a love bite on your neck, just a bit above your collarbone as his free arm wrapped itself around your waist, pressing you closer to himself.

"I want you..", he mumbled against your lips, to which you only replied, "you have my all", his lips connecting once more with yours as he helped you sit up on the table. 

His lips never leaving yours as he pulled your joggers down. Your tongues entangling with each other, the kiss almost feeling like you both were in love. Sharing a connection so deep, it almost scared you. His fingers trailed your leg up until they found themselves between your thighs again, now rubbing your clothed clit when he pushed your underwear to the site. 

Your lips instantly leaving his lips as you leaned your forehead on his shoulder, letting out small moans as he gently caressed your outer lips before letting his fingers trace your clit.

For a short second he lifted his fingers to his mouth, wetting them with his saliva before finding their place between your thighs again, slipping two of his fingers inside you. You clutched his back, moaning into his neck as he was caressing your insides. 

Cupping your head with his free hand, he kissed the side of your temple as he was fingering you softly on the table, in the middle of the night as the light shone dimly in the kitchen. 

"You're doing so good", he whispered against your temple, making you weak in the knees. 

Being thankful that you were currently sitting on a table and not standing on the floor. His fingers shortly after left your womanhood when both his hands hooked around your underwear, completely undressing you while he was still fully clothed. 

But if he was being honest, he didn't care. All he cared about, was currently you. Spreading your legs further apart he took a step back, admiring every inch of you when he suddenly mumbled breathlessly out, "Fuck... I wanna see you everyday like this... spread out like a meal just for me."

Without giving you a second thought to react he sat down on the chair in front of you, his hands tracing the inside of your thighs before giving your clit a kiss. 

His tongue latching onto it. 

His tongue was tracing your clit, licking and sucking on it before his tongue went inside you, lapping up the cum that was dripping already, lubricating you, pleasuring you. He looked up at you, his eyes locking with yours, making you feel all flustered as you felt your cheeks getting even warmer. A small smile dancing on his lips.

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