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"Hanma?", "Hello!♡", Hanma grinned down at Ran and Sanzu. Sitting down on one of the free seats of the couch before a girl came crawling onto his lap, settling down and kissing his neck.

He took a sip from his drink, "you two alone?", "why do you wanna know?", Ran said, glaring at Hanma. "Ah, I just saw doll around here. That's why I'm asking. You know, if she came alone here, I don't mind giving her company ♡", "fuck off, she's with us", Ran said, though Hanma just chuckled, "she's with you, yet she's not. Isn't that interesting!" 

"She's with Rindou", Sanzu said, taking a sip from his drink. "Oh? That definitely didn't seem like it when she knocked on the door of Baipās office", making Sanzu choke on his drink and Ran look at him with wide eyes. 

"What?", "This is one of Baipās clubs, be happy that none of them have seen you yet or have recognized you", Hanma said, his voice serious. He eyed the girls around them before grinning, "if one of you bitches just looses a word of them or me being here, I will kill you all ♡", making them all freeze for a second before nodding nervously. 

Suddenly Rindou came back, slightly irritated, getting even more irritated when he saw Hanma.

 "What the fuck are you doing here?", "I'm just talking to your colleagues.. pardon, soon to be our colleagues", Hanma grinned back at Rindou, who in return just scoffed. "Rindou, I thought (Y/N) was with you?", "well she was but the she got pissed off and walked away!", "Right into another mans arms♡", Hanma laughed. "Shut the fuck up", Sanzu barked, though Rindou looked at him in confusion, "what the fuck do you mean?", "this is Baipās club", Ran answered, glaring at Hanma.

"I have a question though", Sanzu suddenly said, leaning forward, "what were you doing in Baipās office?", "Just made sure that my doll isn't in danger! Though I kinda failed at that since she literally walked in by herself", Hanma said, taking another sip from his drink. 

"What the fuck do you mean with 'your doll' and making sure she's not in danger?", Ran interfered. "I have ears and eyes everywhere. I know what Baipā and what was his name", Hanma looked up in thought before he snapped his fingers, "ah, Kazuya, right. Are up to! You deleted all info and got rid of Baipās documents and plans on his laptop but he has back up plans that are in Kazuyas possession. I'm just trying to establish a good connection so that I can keep a better eye out on my little doll♡", "what do you even want from (Y/N)?", Rindou asked. 

Hanma looked at him with a grin, "nothing in particular, I just like her", "don't talk bullshit!", "it's true though. I wish Madame Rouge and Mikey would establish the deal faster! So I could finally see my doll everyday then♡", he smiled, throwing his head back as his mind drifted to you. 

"Any funny business and you're dead", Sanzu said, eyeing Hanma with suspicion. Though Hanma was being honest.

There wasn't any particular reason, you were just interesting to him. 

You were fun and outgoing, crazy in a sense that matched his own craziness. He wanted to get to know you more, wanted to have you around some more. It was true though, that he heard about Baipā and Kazuya. He heard it more or less from Madame Rouges prostitutes. 

Well more like he eavesdropped. 

So, without another thought he went into contact with Baipā. 

Business talks. 

Though it was more like Hanma pretending to give Baipā info about Bonten, that was absolutely false, in exchange for plans regarding you. Hell, he even pretended to know shit about you, giving a false information flow towards Baipā and Kazuya. There was one thing he didn't expect though and he would've never considered and it was you literally walking into Baipās office yourself. 

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