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One thing you never liked to admit about yourself, was your tendency for dumb ideas.

By no means were you dumb. You were actually quite smart, lazy.. but smart. But despite all that, your ideas.. yeah.. let's just say, they weren't the smartest once.

Others, well your best friend mostly, had the tendency to label your ideas as 'insane' and plane 'dumb'! She loved them, no doubt but still, in her eyes, your ideas weren't the most smartest. You usually shrugged her complains off. Waving her comments about 'how dumb this will be', off as you proceeded to do the dumb shit you had in your mind.

Often getting labeled as dumb for doing, said, stupid ideas.

And sadly, for once in your life, you had to agree.. despite your ego and pride. Cause what you currently were doing, was not just only dumb but incredibly stupid and just plain insane, all together.

Currently climbing over your window, with your cat in your hand, to escape from your apartment, which was on the 6th floor, wasn't the most smartest decision. Your plan was to escape through the fire escape stairs, though with deadly people outside your bedroom, this wasn't the most wisest decision and idea ever.

Welp, whatever. There was no turning back now anyway, as you were already setting foot on the stairs.

To be fair, you couldn't think of a better option at the current moment, as the other option was to sit and wait until Kakucho comes back. And then it would end up with him either telling you that your death day is today or that the others wanted to have a little bit more fun with you until they get bored and then kill you off.

Deep down you knew, they wouldn't let you go so easily, why would they? They were criminals, so no matter what you would propose to them in return, you knew there was no chance of survival for you.

So you did the best thing you were good at, running away.

You thoughts shortly drifted towards your best friend, a thought crossing your mind about calling her but first of all, she lived too far away from you, it would simply take too much time for her to reach you.

Time you didn't really had as Kakucho could walk in any minute to fetch you.

Second of all, you would never endanger her like that. The last thing you wanted was to pull her into this sticky situation and have her accidentally get killed by Sanzu or Ran.

No no. Shaking your head, you made a short stop, looking into the bag you grabbed in a hassle.

Lucky for you, over the years you developed subconsciously habits, that worked all in your favor now. One of them was keeping your car keys and house keys separated from each other. Meaning, usually people had them all on one keychain dangling together, you though, didn't.

Your car keys were always in your bag that was sitting in your room, while your house keys were either forgotten somewhere in a bag or hanging on a key holder, at the front door. So even if you wouldn't have your house keys, you still had your car keys. Meaning, no matter what, you were always able to take your car or as of right now, flee the scene.

In a way, you were lucky. When you glanced into your bag, you realized that you had forgotten your house keys in your bag as well. Without another thought you continued your journey down the fire escape stairs.

You were almost at the bottom of the apartment complex. Your steps fast but quiet, as to not get caught by anyone. Surprised that your cat was willingly cooperating, as he absolutely despised the outside world. Though you figured, he knew what was going on. After all, he was a smart cat.

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