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Baipā was hovering above you. His eyes focused on your lips when you suddenly started laughing, covering your mouth with your hand. You waved the other in front of you, "sorry sorry! That just sounded so overly weird to me", making him halt for a second before he erupted in laughter as well.

His head dropped into the crook of your neck, letting himself fall down on you. You two laughing for a while until silence settled between you two. 

"Shit... I thought I was tipsy but I think I'm a tad bit drunk", Baipā admitted, snuggling into you. 

Making himself comfortable, he shifted his weight to the side of you, putting his leg between you two as he hugged you close to himself, his head on your chest. "Please stay like this.. you're so warm.." 

Raising your eyebrow, you looked down at him before averting your gaze up to the ceiling. You knew damn well, Haruka was gonna kill you if he saw you like this. He would probably threaten Bonten for leaving you alone again, though you didn't care too much at the moment for some reason. 

Baipā in general seemed rather... nice? And.. cute..? 

You knew that it was weird to think that off a literal criminal and technically, as you're officially an executive of Bonten at the moment, your enemy. Though all thoughts went out of the window when he snuggled closer to you, nuzzling his face into your neck when he gave you soft butterfly kisses. 

Sleepily he started confessing, "I know you... for... approximately an hour max... maybe two... I don't know.. I lost track of time..  but... there's something so addictive about you... I could devour you", he cutely laughed into your neck before biting down on it. A gasp escaping your lips when you felt him suck a mark on your neck.

"Baipā...", you put your hands on his shoulders, pushing him slightly, making him immediately stop and hover above you. Though what you didn't expect was his rather... panicky reaction, "Oh my god! I'm sorry! Fuck!", he immediately got off of you, "shit, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to... I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable!! Ah~"

"hey... Baipā! Baipā!! Chill!", "huh?!", "it's fine! I was just caught off guard", you sheepishly smiled making him look at you astonished. Without giving you a second to react he hugged you close to himself, pressing your face against his chest, "Oh my god! You're too good for this world! You're so sweet I can't!", he practically whined above you, squeezing your cheeks together against him. 

"Can't... breath...", "Oh God Sorry!" 

He released his grip around you. Cupping your face, he checked if he had hurt you in a way, though all you could was chuckle. 

"Wow, you're very all over the place when drunk"

Making him laugh nervously at you as he rubbed the back of his head, "sorry, I usually don't drink that much but you make me a bit nervous", you laughed at that, asking him, "what? Why?"

He shrugged his shoulders, pouting a bit, "I don't know, you're just so gorgeous! Making me all flustered and shit", "I feel honored!" 

He turned towards you, tilting his head as he admired your beauty. Despite being a tad bit drunk, he could clearly see your face. "I wanna frame you", "weird but okay", making him laugh, "I mean... I could stare at your face forever", "please don't! You're gonna start seeing and noticing stuff that isn't supposed to be noticed!"

He laughed, shaking his head. 

"There's not a single flaw, you're gorgeous all in and out", "oh god you flatter me too much now, I'm gonna start blushing", you laughed, waving his comments off. "But it's the truth", he said, shrugging his shoulders. 

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